Low Energy Scattering
- Hyunsoo Kim (Sejong University (KR))
Supernovae emit large fluxes of neutrinos which can be detected by detectors on Earth. Future tonne-scale detectors will be sensitive to several neutrino interaction channels, with thousands of events expected if a supernova emerges in the galaxy neighborhood. There are limited tools to study the interaction rates of supernova neutrinos, although a plethora of available supernova models exist....
We first discuss and determine the isospin mixing of the two $2^-$ states (12.53 MeV and 12.97 MeV) of $^{16}$O nucleus using the inelastic electron scattering data. We then evaluate the cross section of 4.4-MeV $\gamma$ rays produced in the neutrino neutral-current (NC) reaction $^{16}$O($\nu, \nu$')$^{16}$O$(12.97 {\rm MeV}, 2^-$) with a water Cherenkov detector at the low energy below 100...
NINJA experiment aims to study Sub-Multi GeV neutrino-nucleus interactions and the exploration of a sterile neutrino using an Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) as the main detector at J-PARC neutrino beamline.
Thanks to sub-micron spatial resolution and high granularity of ECC, charged particles such as slow protons with a momentum of 200 MeV/c can be measured with high detection...
Kaon Decay-At-Rest (KDAR) provides a neutrino signal with well-known neutrino energy, which is an important probe for measuring the neutrino cross-section in an energy range that is otherwise difficult to access experimentally. The J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at the J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source (JSNS2) experiment is in a unique place for measuring monoenergetic neutrinos at 236 MeV from...