12–14 Oct 2020
Web Meeting
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Contributions

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Formats and submission of contributions

We are calling for your active participation in the Open Search Symposium 2020 in various formats: with scientific papers, sharing of practical experiences or by introducing concepts and positions during presentations and in the different interactive sessions.

Full papers and abstracts presented at the OSSYM 2020 will be published in online proceedings following the event.

Please submit an extended abstract (1 page) or a full paper (4-6 pages) for any poster or oral presentation you are planning to present at the symposium. Submission of abstracts/full papers will open on 15 February and will close on 6 July 2020.

CERN Lightweight Account

In order to submit your contribution you will need to login. For this we would recommend that you create a CERN Lightweight account. Alternatively you can sign-in with eduGAIN or an external public service account (facebook, Google, Windows Live, Yahoo, orange).

Prepare your contribution

Please use the provided templates on the "Document Templates" page for either OpenOffice/LibreOffice or for Word. Please create a PDF file for submission.

Submit your contribution

Please click on "Submit new abstract" below for submission of your contribution and don;t forget to add your PDF file as attachment.

The call for abstracts is closed.