- Statistical Techniques - Nicolas Berger (LAPP)
- Prospects at LHC in Run-3 and HL-LHC - Sarah Demers (Yale)
- Question and Answer Session - Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)
- Field Theory and the E-W Standard Model - Rohini Godbole (IISc, Bangalore)
- Instrumentation - Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)
- Flavour Physics and CP Violation - Xiao-Gang He (SJTU/NTU)
- Super Kamiokande - Takaaki Kajita (U. Tokyo)
- Neutrino Physics - Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul Tech.)
- High-Energy Physics Outlook - Young-Kee Kim (U. of Chicago)
- Higgs Physics and BSM - Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK)
- Heavy-Ion Physics - Yen-Jie Lee (MIT)
- Cosmology (incl. Dark Matter) - Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU)
- QCD - Vajravelu Ravindran (IMSc, Chennai)
- Gravitational Waves - Jo van den Brand (Nikhef)
- Hadron Spectroscopy - Alexei Zhemchugov (JINR)
Discussion Sessions:
There will be parallel discussion sessions, lasting about 90 minutes, most afternoons during the School. Students remain in the same discussion group for the duration of the School. The discussion leaders will be:
- Faisal Akram (CHEP, Punjab U.)
- Yu Seon Jeong (Chung-Ang U.)
- Suchita Kulkarni (U. of Graz)
- John Gargalionis (IFIC)
- Hua-Sheng Shao (LPTHE)
- Takahiro Terada (IBS)
Group Projects:
The students in each discussion group will also participate in a collaborative project in which they will choose and study in detail a scientific paper. This will lead up to a presentation by a group representative in a dedicated session towards the end of the School.
Poster Session:
All students are encouraged to present and discuss their work at a poster session during the first week of the School.