Jakob Blomer
2/1/21, 3:10 PM
Andrea Valenzuela Ramirez
(Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (ES))
2/1/21, 3:45 PM
Simone Mosciatti
2/1/21, 3:55 PM
Jakob Blomer
2/1/21, 4:15 PM
Clemens Lange
2/1/21, 5:00 PM
Dave Dykstra
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
2/1/21, 5:20 PM
Marco Mambelli
(Fermilab (US))
2/1/21, 5:40 PM
Bob Dröge
(University of Groningen)
2/2/21, 3:00 PM
Chris Lee
(Stony Brook University (US))
2/2/21, 3:30 PM
Chris Burr
2/2/21, 4:40 PM
Enrico Bocchi
2/2/21, 5:00 PM
Derek Weitzel
(University of Nebraska Lincoln (US))
2/2/21, 5:20 PM
Clemens Lange
Simone Mosciatti
The past years have shown a revolution in the way scientific workloads are being executed thanks to the wide adoption of software containers. These containers run largely isolated from the host system, ensuring that the development and execution environments are the same everywhere. This enables full reproducibility of the workloads and therefore also the associated scientific analysis...