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1–2 Feb 2021
NIKHEF (remote)
Europe/Zurich timezone

The fifth CernVM Users Workshop will be a virtual event held from 1 to 2 February 2021. While originally foreseen to take place at NIKHEF, Amsterdam, we will postpone meeting in person in Amsterdam to the following workshop in 2022.

The CernVM 2021 workshop follows the previous editions held at CERN in June 2019, at CERN in January 2018, at RAL (UK) in June 2016 and at CERN in March 2015.

As usual, the workshop aims to bring together users and developers to discuss the current status of the CernVM ecosystem and the future directions, with a fresh look onto the landscape of cloud technology and software delivery.

For questions or comments, please contact us at

NIKHEF (remote)