WG1: Vud, Vus, Vcd, Vcs and semileptonic/leptonic D decays |
Lei Li | (BIPT) |
Emilie Passemar | (Indiana University) |
Martin Gonzalez-Alonso | (University of Valencia) |
WG2: Vub, Vcb and semileptonic/leptonic B decays including τ |
Racha Cheaib | (DESY) |
Mark Smith | (Imperial College London) |
Alejandro Vaquero | (The University of Utah) |
WG3: Rare B, D and K decays, radiative and electroweak penguin decays, including constraints on Vtd/Vts and ε’/ε |
Diego Guadagnoli | (LAPTH Annecy) |
Christoph Langenbruch | (RWTH Aachen) |
Elisa Manoni | (INFN Perugia) |
WG4: Mixing and mixing-related CP violation in B system: Δm, ΔΓ, φs, φ1/β, φ2/α, φ3/γ |
Veronika Chobanova | (University of Santiago de Compostela) |
Matthew Wingate | (University of Cambridge) |
Yosuke Yusa | (Niigata University) |
WG5: Direct CP violation (DCPV) including φ3/γ from B→DK, DCPV effects, branching fractions and polarisation in charmless B(s) decays |
Joachim Brod | (University of Cincinnati) |
Resmi PK | (CPPM Marseille) |
Wenbin Qian | (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
WG6: High-pT flavor physics: H→f’f decays, single top production, direct measurement of Vtd, Vts, Vtb, rare top decays, CPV at high pT |
Matthias Komm | (CERN) |
Umberto De Sanctis | (University of Roma Tor Vergata) |
WG7: Mixing and CP violation in the D system: xD, yD, |q/p|D, φD, DCPV in D decays |
Cheng-Wei Chang | (National Taiwan University) |
Adam Davis | (University of Manchester) |
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