Jana N. Guenther
(University of Wuppertal)
In this talk we extend the novel expansion scheme introduced in [1] to explore the impact of a strange and electric charge chemical potential. We focus on the equation of state along the strangness neutral line, which allows us to match conditions in heavy ion collision experiments. We are also able to extrapolate different thermodynamic quantities to values of the strangeness and electric charge densities beyond those corresponding to the strangeness neutrality conditions.
[1] S. Borsányi et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 126 (2021) 23, 232001
Jana N. Guenther
(University of Wuppertal)
Szabolcs Borsanyi
Zoltan Fodor
Ruben Kara
Sandor Katz
Paolo Parotto
Attila Pasztor
(Eötvös University)
Claudia Ratti
Kalman Szabo
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)