4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Equilibration of QCD plasmas at finite net-baryon density

6 Apr 2022, 18:06
Poster Initial state physics and approach to thermal equilibrium Poster Session 1 T01


Xiaojian Du (Bielefeld University)


We employ an effective kinetic theory of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) to study the pre-equilibrium dynamics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) at zero and finite net-baryon density. By investigating the dynamics of the energy-momentum tensor and the conserved charges, we determine the relevant time and temperature scales for the onset of viscous hydrodynamics, and quantify the evolution of the chemical composition of the QGP at early times [1,2]. We address phenomenological consequences regarding the role of the pre-equilibrium phase at different collision energies [1], and discuss how the improved understanding of the pre-equilibrium phase can be used to constrain hot and cold nuclear matter properties from heavy-ion collisions [3].
[1] X. Du, S. Schlichting, PRL 127 (2021) 122301
[2] X. Du, S. Schlichting, PRD 104 (2021) 054011
[3] X. Du, S. Schlichting, work in progress


Soeren Schlichting (Universität Bielefeld) Xiaojian Du (Bielefeld University)

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