4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

LPM effect and gluon saturation in dijet production at EIC

6 Apr 2022, 19:22
Poster Initial state physics and approach to thermal equilibrium Poster Session 2 T01


Yuan-Yuan Zhang (CUHK-SZ)


Large angle gluon radiations induced by multiple parton scatterings contribute to dijet production in deeply inelastic scattering off a large nucleus at the Electron- Ion Collider. Within the generalized high-twist approach to multiple parton scattering, the dijet cross section of eA at the leading order in perturbative QCD and large Bjorken momentum fraction xB can be expressed as a convolution of the multiple parton scattering amplitudes, quark and gluon TMD parton distribution function (PDF). We find that the calculated total dijet correlation for these mini-jets, is sensitive to the transverse momentum broadening in the quark TMD PDF at large x and saturation in the gluon TMD PDF at small x inside the nucleus. The contribution to dijet cross section from double scattering are power- suppressed and only become sizable at small transverse momentum. The correlation from double scattering is also found to increase with the dijet rapidity gap and have a quadratic nuclear-size dependence because of the Landau-Pomeranchuk- Migdal (LPM) interference in gluon emission induced by multiple scattering. Experimental measurements of such unique features in the dijet correlation can shed light on the LPM interference in strong interaction and gluon saturation in large nuclei.


Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Yuan-Yuan Zhang (CUHK-SZ)

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