Heavy quarks, charm and beauty, form well before light quarks in high energy nuclear collisions. Therefore, they can probe the early, gluon rich and out-of-equilibrium stage, namely the evolving Glasma. The diffusion of heavy quarks in this system can be analyzed by coupling the Classical Yang-Mills equations for the Glasma to the relativistic kinetic equations (Wong equations) for the heavy quarks. Within this framework, we study in detail the diffusion of heavy quarks in the early stage of proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions.
Firstly, we discuss transverse and longitudinal momentum broadening, emphasizing the impact of this on the nuclear modification factor and on the estimates of the diffusion coefficients of the heavy quarks. Then, we analyze the 2-particle correlations developed by heavy quarks in the Glasma and discuss their potential impact on D-Dbar correlations recently measured at the LHC. Finally, we compare the evolution in the Glasma with that in a gluon plasma, described by Langevin equations with transport coefficients borrowed from quasi-particle models and tuned to reproduce the nuclear modification factor of heavy mesons.
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Impact of Glasma on heavy quark observables in nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC,
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D. Avramescu, V. Baran, V. Greco, D. Muller and M. Ruggieri,
Heavy quarks in the evolving Glasma: diffusion, 2-particle correlations and comparison with Langevin dynamics, in preparation.