4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Exact equilibrium distributions for massive and massless fermions with rotation and acceleration

8 Apr 2022, 14:08
Poster New theoretical developments Poster Session 3 T12_1


Andrea Palermo


The equilibrium distribution function of free fermions including
the spin degrees of freedom is a cornerstone for chirality and
polarization studies in relativistic heavy ion physics.
In this talk, we present the first calculation of the exact
Wigner function, spin polarization vector and the chiral distribution
function for massless and massive free fermions at general
global equilibrium with non-vanishing vorticity and acceleration.
The final expression includes all quantum corrections at all orders in
thermal vorticity, hence in $\hbar$.
The method is based on an analytic continuation from imaginary thermal
vorticity, factorization of the density operator and an iterative
solution of the algebraic equations in the thermal expectation values.
A comparison with the previously assumed equilibrium expressions is
made and implications are discussed.

[1] F. Becattini, M. Buzzegoli and A. Palermo, JHEP 02 (2021) 101
[2] A. Palermo, F. Becattini and M. Buzzegoli, JHEP 10 (2021) 077


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