4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Multiplicity scaling of light nuclei productions in heavy-ion collisions

8 Apr 2022, 14:40
Poster Light nuclei production Poster Session 3 T16


Xiaofeng Luo (Central China Normal University)


Light nuclei are the delicate probes of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Studying the light nuclei productions will help us to understand the nucleon emission source, the nucleosynthesis mechanism and the density fluctuations related to the critical point or first-order phase transition in heavy-ion collisions. In this talk, I will present our recent work about the beam energy dependence of the light nuclei productions and the multiplicity scaling of double ratio, $N_tN_p/N_d^2$, at RHIC Beam Energy Scan region.The multiplicity scaling of double ratio is naturally explained by the interplay between the sizes of light nuclei and the nucleon emission source. Such multiplicity scaling observables can used to extract light nuclei sizes and the effective volume of the firball formed in relativistic heavy-ion collision

Then, I will talk about the collective flow of deuterons and helium-3 at LHC and their sensitivities to the phase-space distributions of protons and nucleons at kinetic freeze-out. Our nucleon coalescence model calculations provide the solid baseline predictions for the yields of light nuclei in the search for the possible QCD critical points at beam energy scan. Coalescence model calculations, together with the proper phase-space distributions of nucleons, validate the picture that light nuclei might be produced through the coalescence of protons and neutrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC.

[1] W. Zhao, K. j. Sun, C. M. Ko and X. Luo, Phys. Lett. B 820, 136571 (2021).
[2] W. Zhao, C. Shen, C. M. Ko, Q. Liu and H. Song,Phys. Rev. C 102, no.4, 044912 (2020).
[3] W. Zhao, L. Zhu, H. Zheng, C. M. Ko and H. Song, Phys. Rev. C 98, no.5, 054905 (2018).


Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University) Che-Ming Ko Huichao Song Xiaofeng Luo (Central China Normal University)

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