The study of charm production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity allows the investigation of the role of multi-parton interactions (MPI), and provides insight into the processes occurring at the partonic level and on the interplay between the hard and soft particle production mechanisms in proton--proton (pp) collisions. In this contribution, measurements of open heavy-flavor production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity, via the study of the $\mathrm{D}$-meson self-normalized yields in pp collisions at the center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV is presented. The $\mathrm{D}$-meson yields are measured in different $p_{\rm{T}}$ intervals at midrapidity via their hadronic decay channels. The $\mathrm{D}$-meson self-normalized yield is found to increase stronger than linearly with increasing charged-particle multiplicity, with a significant $p_{\rm{T}}$ dependence. The measurements are compared with the results in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV and model calculations.