Heavy-flavour quarks (charm and beauty) are produced on a very short time scale in initial hard-scattering processes. They experience the entire evolution of the ultrarelativistic-collision which makes them excellent probes for the characterization of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formed in heavy-ion collisions.
In particular, the comparison between beauty and charm measurements is a crucial tool for testing our understanding of mass-dependent energy loss in heavy-ion collisions. Measurements of beauty production in pp collisions are important to test perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations, as well as to provide the baseline for Pb–Pb measurements. In p–Pb collisions, beauty-production is crucial to isolate cold nuclear matter effects.
The design of the next-generation detector for the heavy-ion program at the LHC, ALICE 3, features extremely good vertex resolution, particle identification of a broad range, and a large rapidity coverage to enable high-precision measurements of beauty production and elliptic flow in AA and pp collisions.
In this poster, the reconstruction performances of beauty hadrons at ALICE 3 will be shown, focusing the attention on the exclusive hadronic decays $B^{+}\to\overline{D^{0}}\pi^{+}$ in pp and AA collisions.