4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Comprehensive study of multi-scale jet-medium interaction

5 Apr 2022, 18:30
medium aula B (Auditorium Maximum UJ)

medium aula B

Auditorium Maximum UJ

Oral presentation QCD matter at finite temperature and density Parallel Session T03: QCD matter at finite temperature and density


Yasuki Tachibana (Akita International University)


We explore jet-medium interactions at various scales in high-energy heavy-ion collisions using JETSCAPE 3, a publicly available software framework for Monte Carlo event generators. In jet shower evolution, the virtuality and energy of each jet parton vary considerably. Thus, in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, jets can be used as dynamical probes to investigate the jet-medium interaction at various scales. JETSCAPE is a framework that enables simulations describing physics at varying scales involved in in-medium jet evolution. The JETSCAPE framework incorporates multiple models, each effective at an individual scale range, and switches between them at appropriate scales while mediating their communication.

As a new feature, the jet quenching strength q-hat with an explicit virtuality dependence depending on the resolution scale evolution of jets is now supported by JETSCAPE. In this talk, we demonstrate that this further extension is crucial for a simultaneous description of the nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets and leading hadrons. For more detailed discussion of the virtuality dependence in the jet-medium interaction, observables for jet substructures, heavy-flavor jets, and photon-triggered jets are also explored. Furthermore, we investigate the jet-medium interaction involved in the hadronization process.


Yasuki Tachibana (Akita International University)

Presentation materials