The yields of light flavour hadrons and light (anti-)nuclei including (anti-)hypernuclei have been measured by the ALICE collaboration at LHC/CERN at various multiplicity bins in proton-proton, proton-lead and lead-lead collisions. It is observed that the strangeness and (anti-)nuclei production increase non-linearly with charged-particle multiplicity (dNch/dy) and is independent of the...
The measurement of neutral mesons in pp collisions allows a test of perturbative QCD calculations and represents an important baseline for heavy-ion studies. Neutral mesons are reconstructed in ALICE with multiple methods in a very wide range of transverse momenta and thus impose restrictions on the parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions over a wide kinematic region....
The ALICE experiment is dedicated to investigating a hot and dense deconfined state of matter created in heavy-ion collisions. Complementary measurements in smaller collision systems have shown signs of collectivity emerging even in simple hadronic collisions. Particle production at the LHC is driven by a complex interplay of soft and hard QCD processes. It is still challenging for modern...
Hydrodynamic expansion and jet quenching are responsible for the production of low and high transverse-momentum ($𝑝_𝑇$) particle in heavy-ion collisions, respectively. However, it is still a challenge to simultaneously describe hadron nuclear modification factor $𝑅_{𝐴𝐴}$ and elliptic flow $𝑣_2$, especially in the intermediate $𝑝_𝑇$ region of 2<$𝑝_𝑇$<10 GeV/c. In this talk, we combine...
The measurement of pseudorapidity ($\eta$) dependence of directed flow ($v_{1}$) can provide unique constraints on the three-dimensional initial conditions in heavy-ion collisions. In the year 2018, the Event Plane Detector (EPD, $2.1<|\eta|<5.1$) was installed in STAR and used for the Beam Energy Scan phase-II (BES-II) data taking. The combination of EPD and high statistics BES-II data...
The Dielectron Spectrometer HADES operated at the SIS18 synchrotron, GSI Darmstadt recently provided new intriguing results on production of electron pairs and of strangeness from nucleus-nucleus collisions, as well as from elementary reactions, in energy region of $1 - 2$ A GeV. In 2019 the spectrometer was complemented by an electromagnetic calorimeter based on lead-glass modules, which...
The very forward energy in hadron-hadron collisions contains information about the fragmentation of the projectile and the target, providing direct insights into the initial stages of high-energy hadronic collisions. By constraining the very forward energy, one can control the event activity in the collision. Results on very forward energy, measured by the ALICE zero degree calorimeters...
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory of strong interactions, allows the existence of exotic hadrons other than mesons and baryons. An exotic hadron consisting of six quarks is called a dibaryon, and a dibaryon containing strange quarks (multi-strangedibaryon) has not yet been discovered. An exotic hadron consisting of four quarks and an antiquark is called a pentaquark, and the...
Two-particle charge-dependent correlations (balance functions) are sensitive to the production and transport of conserved quantum numbers in the medium created in hadronic collisions. In this con- tribution, recent ALICE measurements of the balance functions of charge, strangeness, and baryon numbers are presented. Balance functions for all combinations of identified charged-hadron ($\pi$, K,...
In 2018, STAR installed the Event Plane Detector (EPD) with a pseudorapidity coverage of $2.15<|\eta|<5.09$. The EPD has enhanced STAR's capabilities in triggering, centrality measurement and event plane determination. Due to its fine radial granularity, it can also be utilized to measure pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles. In order to make such a measurement, the response of...
Short-lived hadronic resonances are very useful to probe the late-stage evolution of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Since their lifetimes are comparable to the hadronic phase timespan, their measured yields are modified via rescattering and regeneration processes. The suppression of the K$^{*0}$/K ratio in central Pb--Pb collisions compared to pp interactions already hints at the...
The ratio of strange to non-strange hadron yields increases from low- multiplicity to high-multiplicity hadronic interactions, reaching values observed in heavy-ion collisions. The ALICE experiment investigates the microscopic origin of this striking phenomenon by performing dedicated multi-differential analyses in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV.
To separate strange hadrons...
Measurements of strange hadron production in pp and p-Pb collisions had been used as a reference for the study of the so-called strangeness enhancement effect, occurring in heavy ion collisions where QGP formation is observed.
Recently, the ALICE Collaboration studied strangeness production in pp interactions, unveiling unexpected features in the strange hadron to pion yield ratios. These...