24–25 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beam switching at the current ISOLDE Facility

25 Nov 2020, 10:45


Sebastian Rothe (CERN)


ISOLDE beam time is a precious resource for which the annual demand exceeds the amount that is available. Generally, at any one time, ISOLDE is a single USER facility with the exception of the GLM and GHM beam-lines at GPS which can be used in parallel with HRS operations. One major limitation preventing parallel delivery of the HRS and GPS beams to experimental setups downstream the merging switchyard is the fact that the ion optical elements in that section need to be matched to either the HRS or the GPS.
We will discuss a solution that would allow switching the required electrical potentials in a short time.
A second, complementary concept will be presented, in which any ISOLDE switchyard can be operated in a fast switching mode, allowing the quasi d.c. sharing of the ion beam downstream.
Different scenarios will be discussed in which these modes of beamline and beam sharing sharing will be beneficial.

Primary author

Sebastian Rothe (CERN)

Presentation materials