24–25 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone


The EPIC proceedings will be submitted to European Physical Journal Special Topics as a single paper, outlining the proposed upgrades for ISOLDE in the mid- and long-term future, as well as the new physics opportunities that will become available thanks to these upgrades.  The mid-term upgrades include the installation of new beam dumps that are compatible with the higher proton beam energy (2 GeV) and intensity (x2).  More parallel operation options, as well as improved beam purity are also considered.  In the longer term, we are preparing for the construction of a new ISOLDE experimental hall, including new target stations and dedicated space for new experiments and improved beam purification systems that can feed several experiments.  This will provide space in the existing hall for a new compact storage ring and a new recoil separator to be coupled to HIE-ISOLDE.  A coordinating writing team has been put in place (see below).  Feel free to contact any of them, in case you would like to sign the paper as a co-author (we encourage you all to sign), and also if you would like to contribute to the writing process in one or another way.

Coordinating board:
Razvan Lica - razvan.lica@cern.ch  (overall coordination)

Dinko Atanasov - dinko.atanasov@cern.ch (search for physics beyond standard model)
Thomas Elias Cocolios - thomas.cocolios@kuleuven.be (life sciences)
Daniel Doherty - d.t.doherty@surrey.ac.uk (storage ring physics)
Michael Doser - Michael.Doser@cern.ch  (RIB's and antiprotons)
Ruben de Groote - ruben.degroote@cern.ch (atomic physics based techniques and related physics)
Andreas Ekström - andreas.ekstrom@chalmers.se (nuclear theory)
Liam Gaffney - liam.gaffney@cern.ch (new accelerated beams experiments)
Georgi Georgiev - georgi.georgiev@csnsm.in2p3.fr
Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz - ronald.fernando.garcia.ruiz@cern.ch (new physics with molecules)
Manfred Grieser - manfred.grieser@mpi-hd.mpg.de (storage ring compact design)
Karl Johnston - karl.johnston@cern.ch (solid state physics)
Magdalena Kowalska - magdalena.kowalska@cern.ch (physics with polarized beams)
Alberto Mengoni - alberto.mengoni@cern.ch (radioisotopes and n_TOF)
Maxime Mougeot - maxime.mougeot@cern.ch (mass measurements)
Alexandre Obertelli - aobertelli@ikp.tu-darmstadt.de (antiprotons and RIB's)
Sorin Pascu - sorin.gabriel.pascu@cern.ch (decay spectroscopy)
Jose Alberto Rodriguez - alberto.rodriguez@cern.ch (upgrades of HIE-ISOLDE)
Sebastian Rothe - Sebastian.Rothe@cern.ch (higher intensity and higher energy proton beams, new production and purification systems)
Erwin Siesling - erwin.siesling@cern.ch (concept for a new ISOLDE hall)

A preliminary layout of the paper can be found here

The timeline for the writing process:

April/May - individual contributions from writing group arrives
May - we arrange all contributions in the overall paper

June  -  circulate the full draft with the coordination board/initial contributors / interested persons
July - integrate feedback from the writing group
August - circulate the paper with the ISOLDE community
September/October - receive feedback from the ISOLDE community

October/November - integrate feedback and finalize document
December - submit to EPJST