Mike Lamont, CERN - "Welcome"
Simone Gilardoni, CERN - "ISOLDE@CERN: near and long-term future"
Marek Lewitowicz, NuPECC Chair - "Nuclear Physics: challenges and perspectives"
Michael Doser, CERN - "Synergies between AD and ISOLDE: antiprotons and radioactive ions"
Alberto Mengoni, ENEA Bologna - "Synergies between n_TOF and ISOLDE: neutron beams and radioactive ions"
Karl Johnston, CERN - "The history and future of material science at ISOLDE, with recent feedback from the biophysics programme"
Lino Pereira, KU Leuven - "Quantum materials research with radioactive probes"
Doru Lupascu, University Duisburg-Essen - "Multiferroics studied with radioactive probes"
Marco Calviani, CERN - "Irradiations at CERN: a broad spectrum"
Erwin Siesling, CERN - "Concept for a new ISOLDE hall and target stations"
Jose Alberto Rodriguez Rodriguez, CERN - "ISOLDE as a multi-user facility"
Alex Gottberg, TRIUMF - "The TRIUMF-ARIEL Multi-User Facility and Potential Synergies with EPIC"
Sebastian Rothe, CERN - "Beam switching at the current ISOLDE Facility"
Ana-Paula Bernardes, CERN - "Prospects for New Beam Dumps at ISOLDE"
Markus Vilen, CERN - "Status of the MR-TOF-MS beam purification project"*