24–25 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Prospects for New Beam Dumps at ISOLDE

25 Nov 2020, 11:15


Mrs Ana-Paula Bernardes (CERN)


The contribution will describe the project organisation put in place for the upgrade of the ISOLDE GPS and HRS beam dumps. This challenging project will allow an increase of the proton beam power to ISOLDE. It will require the partial removal of earth shielding covering the target area. For the first time since 1991, when Booster-ISOLDE was built, it will be possible to access the faraday cages and the surroundings of the separator areas, that make this project an unique occasion to consider future perspectives for the ISOLDE facility.

Primary author

Mrs Ana-Paula Bernardes (CERN)


Mr Marco Calviani (CERN) Mr Joachim Vollaire (CERN) Mr Jose Maria Martin Ruiz (CERN) Mr Keith Kershaw (CERN) Mr Richard Catherall (CERN)

Presentation materials