Contributed Talks
- Razvan Lica (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee)
The measurement of conversion electrons adds additional observables in decay spectroscopy. High-resolution studies for electron energies of typically some hundreds keV are done best with LN2-cooled Si(Li) detectors located at the focal point of a magnetic transport system, e.g. a so-called Mini-Orange consisting of permanent magnets. The optical properties of Mini-Oranges (MO) enable an...
Present status of the HIE-ISOLDE Superconducting Recoil Separator
I. Martel(1,6), J.L. Aguado(1), M. Assie(2), M.A.M. Al-Aqee(l3,21), R. Berjillos(4), M.J.G. Borge(5), L. Bottura(6), W. Catford(7), J. Cederkall(8), T. Davinson(9), G. De Angelis(10), T. Ekelof(11), A.P. Foussat(6), , L. Gaffney(3), E. Galanis(12), T. García-Fernández(1), C. García-Ramos(1), H. Glass(12), K....
In unstable nuclei or excited nuclear states spin polarisation leads to anisotropic distribution of emitted radiation, and modified cross-sections for Coulomb excitation or nuclear reactions. These effects can be used in a variety of ways in different fields of research. In the weak-interaction studies, they can contribute to searches for New Physics by measuring the asymmetry in beta decay of...
The capability to deliver highly polarized beams to the Isolde Decay Station (IDS) detector system will offer an capability beyond any other nuclear physics facility in the world. Typical beta decay experiments are limited to estimating the spin-parity of the excited states to gamma-gamma correlation measurements, which require large statistics, or estimates from the decay strength. Nuclei...