Toru Sato
(RCNP, Osaka University)
The spectrum and structure of nucleon resonances are investigated analyzing pion, photon and electron induced meson production reactions. The understanding of the GeV lepton induced reaction and of the role of resonances plays important for the long base line neutrino oscillation experiments [1]. In this talk, resonance poles in coupled channel system is discussed [2] using the uniformized Mittag-Leffler expansion developed by Yamada and Morimatsu [3].
[1] T. Sato, Eur.Phys. J. Spec.Top.(2021) https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00284-w
[2] W. A. Yamada, O. Marimatsu, T. Sato and K. Yazaki, arXiv:2018.11605 [hep-ph]
[3] W. Yamada and O. Morimatsu, Phys. Rev. C102, 055201 (2020)
Primary author
Toru Sato
(RCNP, Osaka University)