MOCa 2o2o: Materia Oscura en Colombia

Carlos Andres Florez Bustos (Universidad de los Andes (CO)), Carlos Avila Bernal (Universidad de los Andes (CO)), Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño)

The fourth edition of the MOCa workshop (Materia Oscura en Colombia) will be held on the 7-8 October, 2020. The goal of the meeting is to provide  an opportunity to discuss various aspects of Dark Matter, like:

  • theory + pheno,
  • production in laboratory,
  • N-body simulations,
  • connections with cosmo and astro,
  • ...

We are a growing, active and diverse community working on dark matter. Hence, a broad approach to dark matter research is necessary given the nature of the challenge.

We expect this event to provide a platform for maximizing interactions and create new collaborations. Furthermore, we foresee a number of shorter lightning talks on specific topics. These are meant to highlight individual and/or unusual ideas and can also help increase the visibility of younger scientists.

Due to the current covid-19 related travel restrictions, there will be no in-person meeting as originally planned. However, the conference will go ahead as an online event.

The workshop will be preceded by the 6th Uniandes Particle Physics School. Master and PhD students, as well as young postdocs are warmly invited to attend!



  • Aarón Ilizarbe
  • Adriana Guerrero Menkara
  • ajay sharma
  • Alejandra Bravo
  • Alejandro Correa
  • Alejandro Quiroga Triviño
  • Alexander Moreno Briceño
  • Andres Castillo
  • Andres Florez
  • Andrés David Flórez Quintero
  • Angie Vanessa Varon Chimbaco
  • Aurea Nicteha Sánchez Espín
  • Benjamin Guiot
  • Brallan Taborda
  • Bruce Sanchez Vega
  • Camilo Garcia Cely
  • Camilo Rueda
  • Carlos Germán Trujillo Rojas
  • Catalina Riaño
  • Christian Torres
  • Claudia Verowska Barrios Arvelaez
  • Cristhian Andres
  • Cristhian Rodríguez
  • Cristian Fernando Rodriguez Cruz
  • César Omar Ramírez Álvarez
  • Daniel Andres Fajardo Poveda
  • Daniel Forero-Sánchez
  • Daniel Guillermo Martínez Gómez
  • Daniela Daza Marroquín
  • Daniela Montes Doria
  • Daniela Ávila Durán
  • David Cardona
  • david cifuentes
  • David Jurado Romero
  • David Suárez
  • Dharm Singh
  • Diego Andrés Barbosa Trujillo
  • Diego Fernando Fonseca
  • Diego Nicolás Ordóñez Peña
  • Diego Restrepo
  • Donaldo-Alfredo Garrido-Islas
  • Dr. Harold Yepes Ramirez
  • Eduardo Rojas
  • Elkin Alvis Narvaez
  • Emmanuel Díaz Puentes
  • Erick Gualteros
  • Esteban Vásquez Giraldo
  • Estefania Uribe Isaza
  • Ever Eduardo Quintero Camargo
  • Fabio Vergara
  • Francisco Campos Oliden
  • Francisco Linares
  • Franz Machado
  • Fredy Alexander Orjuela Lopez
  • Guillermo Palacio
  • Gustavo Ardila
  • Jair Fernando Vasquez Ramos
  • Javier Silva Malpartida
  • Jennifer Cipagauta
  • Jenny Margot Ramos Lázaro
  • Jensyn Pérez
  • Jessica Hernández
  • Joan Romero
  • Joaquín Peñuela Parra
  • Jonnathan Pineda
  • Jorge García Farieta
  • Jose Andres Monroy Montanez
  • Jose Luis Palacios
  • Jose Ruiz
  • Josué Quintero
  • Juan Camilo Garnica aguirre
  • Juan Camilo Olave Guerrero
  • Juan Carlos Muñoz Cuartas
  • Juan David Prada Malagón
  • Juan Felipe Bravo Cárdenas
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Pérez
  • Juan Pablo Arcila Maldonado
  • Juan Pablo Beltrán Almeida
  • Juansebastian Gomez
  • Kimy Agudelo Jaramillo
  • Laura Manuela Osorio Gonzalez
  • Leidy Alfonso
  • Lina Valeria Parra Buitrago
  • Linda Rocio Moreno Zuluaga
  • lorenzo marafatto
  • Luis Ariza
  • Luis Felipe De La Ossa Mayorga
  • Luis Gabriel Gomez Diaz
  • Luz Garcia
  • Manuel Sánchez
  • Manuela Rivas
  • Mariano Cababie
  • Mariano Dominguez
  • Marta Liliana Sánchez Peláez
  • María Camila París Díaz
  • María José Charria
  • María Valentina García
  • Mateo Andrés Durán Barraza
  • Miguel Angel Bulla Rivas
  • Miguel Angel Gonzalez Jaimes
  • miguel cifuentes
  • Nathalia Cardona
  • Newton Nath
  • Nicolas Fernandez
  • Nicolás Bernal
  • Nicolás Gómez Cruz
  • Nikodem Poplawski
  • Ninibed Yelitza Gonzalez Villamizar
  • omar suarez
  • Oscar Zapata
  • Pablo Isidro Ayala de Santiago
  • Pablo Jose Figueroa Falla
  • Paula Andrea Nevado Velasquez
  • Paula Andrea Pardo Ramos
  • Paula Guzman
  • Pheiroijam Suranjoy Singh
  • Rafael Felipe Córdoba López
  • Raghuveer Garani
  • Rhonal Smith Patiño Guevara
  • roberto martinez martinez
  • Sandra Oliveros
  • santiago martinez
  • Sebastian Armando Alvarado Chavez
  • Sebastian Ordoñez
  • Sebastian Roa Ramirez
  • Sergio Nuñez
  • Silvia Arellano Romero
  • Silvia Lucía CORREA ÁNGEL
  • Tatiana Castillo
  • Valentina Franco Velásquez
  • Veronica Arias
  • Verónica Villota
  • Walter Tangarife
  • Yasser Elmahalawy
  • Yuber F Perez-Gonzalez
  • Yun-Long Zhang