Software tools are foundational for the
development of future collider experiments. Detector optimization and
physics performance studies crucially depend on the availability of
performant and reliable software libraries for Monte Carlo generation, detector simulation, reconstruction, and analysis. The Key4hep project aims at
providing infrastructure, interfaces, and a common stack of easy-to-use
software tools for future, or even present, High Energy Physics
projects. Key4hep is to a large extent based on software tools that are
already very actively used in the community - like ROOT, Geant4 and
DD4hep - or those that are currently under active development like EDM4hep
or ACTS. The Key4hep project is supported by, among others, the HEP
Software Foundation, CERN, DESY, IHEP and the AIDAinnova project and has
active developers from all large future collider projects: CEPC, CLIC,
FCC, and ILC. In this talk we present an overview of the Key4hep project
and describe the adaptation processes of the different future
experiments, thereby showing that Key4hep is a viable long term solution
as baseline software for high energy experiments that will facilitate
the scientific exchange and make similar studies easier and more efficient.