Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

10–14 Jan 2022
Online only
Europe/London timezone

Scientific Programme

Below is the list of parallel tracks, all of which will also feature in the plenary programme of the conference. The scientific programme will run each day from 8:15 until 19:00 GMT.

The plenary sessions will be:

  • Monday am+pm
  • Tuesday am
  • Wednesday pm
  • Thursday am+pm
  • Friday am+pm

The parallel sessions will be:

  • Tuesday pm
  • Wednesday am

The poster sessions are Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning for 1h each.

  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • Standard Model

    This track covers the electroweak, Higgs and top sector, high-pT and low-pT (hadrons), and heavy ion physics.

  • Beyond the Standard Model

  • Flavour

    This track covers quark and charged lepton flavour

  • Neutrinos

  • Dark Matter

  • Gravitational waves and multi-messenger signatures

  • R&D

    This track covers R&D in both detectors and software/computing as well as performance of current systems.

  • Future experiments and facilities

  • Public Engagement and Training