Future experiments and facilities: Poster session
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Future experiments and facilities: Parallel 1
- Chris Parkes (University of Manchester (GB))
Future experiments and facilities: Parallel 2
- Nita Sinha
Future experiments and facilities: 1
- Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)
For the electroweak precision study, left-right asymmetry in the total rate for Z boson production (ALR) is important since it can provide a very useful constraint for new physics as well as for operators in the Standard Model (SM) Effective Field Theory, which provides a mathematical framework to express the deviation from the SM by a set of higher dimensional operators model independently....
We report on studies of the Higgsstrahlung process with the subsequent decay of the Higgs boson to ZZ, where four different final state signatures from ZZ decays are considered. The analysis is performed using Monte Carlo data samples obtained with full detector simulation and polarized beams at the center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV. Overall statistical uncertainty of 5.3% indicates that the...
A Muon Collider represents a promising proposal for the future of particle accelerators. Lepton colliders, indeed, allow to probe much higher energy scales than hadrons with higher precision; in addition, the usage of muons guarantees a much lower level of synchrotron radiation than the electron case. However, a muon collider poses relevant technological challenges: worth to mention, at least,...
One of the important goals at the future $e^+e^−$ colliders is to measure the top-quark mass and width in a scan of the pair production threshold. However, the shape of the pair-production cross section at the threshold depends also on other model parameters, as the top Yukawa coupling, and the measurement is a subject to many systematic uncertainties. Presented in this work is the study of...
Unified theories such as string theory suggests spontaneous Lorentz Invariance Violation(LIV) by introducing a new spacetime structure at the Planck Scale ($m_p \sim 10^{19}$ GeV). This effect can be observed at low energies with strength of $\sim 1/m_p$ using perturbative approach. In the Minimal Standard Model Extension (SME) framework, the neutrino mass-induced flavor oscillation gets...
Among the projects currently under study for the next generation of particle accelerators, the muon collider represents a unique machine, which has the capability to provide leptonic collisions at energies of several TeV. The multi-TeV energy regime is as yet unexplored and holds a huge physical potential that will enable a novel research programme ranging from high precision measurements of...
Among the projects currently under study for the post-LHC generation of particle accelerators, the muon collider represents a unique machine, which has the capability to provide leptonic collisions at energies of several TeV and to open the path to a broad and mostly unexplored Physics programme. However, on the experimental side, such a great Physics potential is accompanied by unprecedented...
The process ee->qq with qq=ss,cc,bb,tt plays a central role in the physics programs of high energy electron-positron colliders operating from the O(100GeV) to O(1TeV) center of mass energies. Furthermore, polarised beams as available at the International Linear Collider (ILC) are an essential input for the complete measurement of the helicity amplitudes that govern the production cross...
The operation of an e+e- collider at a CM energy of 250 GeV will yield a large sample of Higgs bosons that are tagged by recoil against an observed Z boson at a fixed laboratory energy. By selecting these Z bosons and looking on the other side of the event, e+e- colliders will be sensitive to essentially all possible rare and exotic Higgs boson decay channels, in most cases down to branching...
The top quark has not yet been studied in the extremely favorable and low-background environment of e+e- annihilation. This talk will review the opportunities for precision measurements of the top quark properties at the International Linear Collider. These include the archival measurement of the top quark mass, the search for beyond-Standard-Model contributions to the top quark...
Higgs factories based on e+e- colliders have the potential to measure the complete profile of the Higgs boson at a level of precision that goes qualitatively beyond the expect capabilities of the LHC. This talk will review the program of Higgs boson coupling measurements expected from the International Linear Collider, including the most recent updates. These measurements span the range of...
Although the LHC experiments have searched for and excluded many proposed new
particles up to masses close to 1 TeV, there are many scenarios that are
difficult to address at a hadron collider. This talk will review a number of
these scenarios and present the expectations for searches at an electron-positron
collider such as the International Linear Collider. The cases discussed...
Water Cherenkov neutrino experiments have played a crucial role in neutrino discoveries over the years, and provide a well established and affordable way to instrument large target masses. The largest uncertainty in the most recent T2K oscillation results are from the Super-Kamiokande detector systematic errors in the oscillated event samples. As neutrino experiments move from discovery to...
Neutrinos are probably the most mysterious particles of the Standard Model. The mass hierarchy and oscillations, as well as the nature of their antiparticles, are currently being studied in experiments around the world. Moreover, in many models of the New Physics, baryon asymmetry or dark matter density in the universe are explained by introducing new species of neutrinos. Among others, heavy...
High energy 𝑒+𝑒− colliders offer unique possibility for the most general search for dark matter (DM) based on the mono-photon signature. As any 𝑒+𝑒− collision processmay include hard initial-state photon radiation, analysis of the energy spectrum and angular distributions of observed photons can be used to search for hard processes with an invisible final state.
We consider production of DM...
The International Linear Collider (ILC) offers a number of unique opportunities for searches for dark matter and dark sector particles. The collider program will offer important capabilities, including precision Higgs measurements, searches for new scalars or mono-photon studies. But the ILC will also enable new fixed-target experiments using the high-energy electron and positron beams, both...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider is the opportunity for DIS at the TeV scale in the HL-LHC era. An energy recovery linac in racetrack configuration would provide 20-60 GeV electrons to collide with the HL-LHC hadron and nuclear beams, providing instantaneous luminosities around $10^{34}$ and $5\cdot 10^{32}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ per nucleon respectively. It would extend the kinematic $x-Q^2$...
The International Linear Collider project develops a linear electron-positron collider with a first "Higgs factory" stage at 250 GeV, followed by an upgrade to higher energy. The precision physics program of the ILC places demanding requirements on the detectors that are to equip the interaction region. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations of complete detector concepts have been used to draw up...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) was proposed as the next energy-frontier infrastructure at CERN, to study e$^+$e$^-$ collisions at three centre-of-mass energy stages: 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. The main goal of its high-energy stages is to search for the new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). The Inert Doublet Model (IDM) is one of the simplest SM extensions and introduces four new...
Precision measurements and searches for new phenomena in the Higgs sector are among the most important goals in particle physics. Experiments at the Future Circular Colliders (FCC) are ideal to study these questions. Electron-positron collisions (FCC-ee) up to an energy of 365 GeV provide the ultimate precision with studies of Higgs boson couplings, mass, total width, and CP parameters, as...
Measuring the electron Yukawa is impossible in Higgs boson decays, H -> e+e- , given the smallness of the electron mass that leads to a vanishingly small decay branching fraction. The only direct method to extract the Higgs-electron coupling is through resonant s-channel production in e+e- collisions running at the Higgs pole mass. Such a measurement is possible at the FCC-ee provided one can...
The Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) experiment will perform a broad physics program including the study of long-baseline neutrino oscillations. Following the successful T2K experiment, this will be achieved by detecting neutrinos produced at an upgraded 1.3 MW beam at the J-PARC with a far water Cherenkov detector with around 8 times larger detector volume than that of the Super-Kamiokande detector. To...
In the search for the CP-violation in the leptonic sector, crucial information has been obtained from neutrino experiments. The measurement of the third neutrino mixing angle, θ_13, opened the possibility of discovering the Dirac leptonic CP violating angle, δ_CP with intense “super” neutrino beam experiments. In the light of these new findings, an urgent need has arisen to improve the...
The High Luminosity upgrade of Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will increase the LHC Luminosity by an order of magnitude increasing with it the density of particles on the detector by an order of magnitude. For protecting the inner detectors of experiments and for monitoring the delivered luminosity, a radiation hard beam monitor is being developed. We are developing a set of detectors based on...
The Muon Collider is becoming a realistic option for the next generation of high energy collider machines. Beams with intensity of the order of 10^12 muons per bunch are necessary to obtain the desired luminosity, which entails a very high rate of muons decay. Among the technological challenges, the treatment of the beam-induced background is one of the most critical issues for the detector...
The detection of ultra-rare events as the interaction of galactic dark matter (DM) candidate
particles or of neutrinos originated from the Sun requires the development of innovative detection
techniques. In particular future experiments for direct DM detection requires to extend their
sensitivity to masses well below 10 GeV.
The Cygno collaboration plans to build and operate at LNGS a...
The LUXE experiment (LASER Und XFEL Experiment) is a new experiment in planning at DESY Hamburg using the electron beam of the European XFEL. LUXE is intended to study collisions between a high-intensity optical laser and 16.5 GeV electrons from the XFEL electron beam, as well as collisions between the optical LASER and high-energy secondary photons. The physics objective of LUXE are processes...