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Council - Hundred-and-Fifty-Fifth Session
60/6-002 (CERN)



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from Thursday 17 June 2010 (09:30) to Friday 18 June 2010 (15:00)

Thursday 17 June 2010



1. Report to the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Fifty-Fourth Session of Council
CERN/2904/RA English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/2905/Rev.2 Agenda
4. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
5. President's Report
6. Director-General's Report
7. Member State Matters (Director-General - Oral)
   7.1 General Report on Member State Matters (Director-General - Oral)
   7.2 Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN (General Discussion)
8. Non-Member State Matters
   8.1 General Report on Non-Member State Matters (Director-General - Oral)
9. LHC Progress Report (at 10 a.m.) (Director-General - Oral)
10. Statement of Intent between the European Commission and the EIROFORUM Organizations
CERN/2920 Document
11. Working Group on the Scientific and Geographical Enlargement of CERN
   11.1 Report on the Geographical Enlargement of CERN
CERN/2918/Rev. Document Slides
   11.2 Scientific Enlargement of the CERN Programme
CERN-SPC-943-Rev.2 CERN-2899-Rev.2 Document
   11.3 Update of Report on Relations with non-Member States
White Paper Document
12. Co-operation Agreement between CERN and the Government of Tunisia
CERN/2923/RA Document
13. Report by the Chairman of the Finance Committee (Dr M. Steinacher - Oral)
14. Agreements related to the law applicable to contractors providing services of a transnational nature on the Organizations's site
CERN/2919 English French
15. Report by the Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. E. Fernandez - Oral)
16. Questions from the Council to the SPC
   16.1 New Questions from the Delegations
17. CERN Pension Fund
   17.1 Report by the Chairman of the Governing Board (Prof. F. Ferrini - Oral)
   17.2 Amendments to the Rules of the Pension Fund (Chapter I)
CERN/2913 Document
   17.3 Report from the Advisory Group to Council
18. Medium Term Plan for the Period 2011-2015 and Draft Budget of the Organization for the fifty-seventh Financial Year 2011
CERN/SPC/948 CERN/FC/5450 CERN/2915 Document
19. SACA
   19.1 Report and Recommendations to Council (Chairman of SACA, Dr M. Steinacher)
   19.2 Questions from the Council to the SACA
20. Confirmation of Access Status of Documents
21. Other Business

1. Elections: Council
   1.1 One new Vice-President of Council
2. Elections: Finance Committee
   2.1 Discussion on proposed candidates for the Next FC Chairman
3. Elections: Pension Fund
   3.1 Appointment to the Governing Board of the Pension Fund
4. Extension of the Mandate of the External Auditors, Corte dei Conti
CERN/2917/RA (Confidential) Document
Friday 18 June 2010


OPEN SESSION (CERN (503/1-001))

1. Report on the Decisions taken at Restricted and Closed Sessions (President of Council - Oral)
2. Report by the Chairman of the Finance Committee (Dr M. Steinacher – Oral)
3. Annual Progress Report and Annual Accounts (Financial Statements) for 2009:
   3.1 Annual Progress Report of the Organization for the fifty-fifth financial year 2009
CERN/SPC/938/Rev. CERN/FC/5412/Rev. CERN/2893/Rev. Document
   3.2 Assessment and comments by the External Auditors on the Annual Progress Report for 2009
CERN/FC/5439 CERN/2906 Document
   3.3 Assessment and comments by the SPC on the Annual Progress Report for 2009 (Oral)
   3.4 Assessment and comments by the FC on the Annual Progress Report for 2009 (Oral)
   3.5 Annual Accounts (Financial Statements) for the Year 2009
CERN/FC/5440 CERN/2907 Document
   3.6 Report by the External Auditors on the Annual Accounts for the Financial Year 2009
CERN/FC/5441 CERN/2908 Document
   3.7 External Auditors' Report on the Annual Accounts for the Financial Year 2009 - Comments by the Management
CERN/FC/5442 CERN/2909 Document
4. CERN Pension Fund:
   4.1 Annual Report and Financial Statements 2009
CERN/FC/5443 CERN/2910 Document
   4.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2009
CERN/FC/5444 CERN/2911 Document
   4.3 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2009 - Comments by the Administration of the Pension Fund
CERN/FC/5445 CERN/2912 Document
5. Code of Conduct
CERN/FC/5447 CERN/2914 Document Slides
6. LHC Status Report (Dr S. Myers/ Prof. S. Bertolucci - Oral)
7. Report by the Scientific Secretary of the European Strategy Sessions (Prof. S. Stapnes - Oral)
8. Report by the Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. E. Fernandez - Oral)
9. Presentation by the Chairman of FALC (Dr W. Davidson- Oral)
10. Draft Timetable for Council Sessions and Committee Meetings 2011
CERN/2916/Final Document
11. Other Business