- Michele Frigerio
Carlos A. Argüelles-Delgado
(Harvard University)
08/09/2022, 11:20
Diego Aristizabal
Diego Aristizabal
(Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (USM))
08/09/2022, 11:55
Abhishek Chikkaballi
(National Center for Nuclear Research, Warsaw),
Daniele Rizzo
Enrico Maria Sessolo
(NCBJ, Warsaw), Dr
Kamila Kowalska
(National Centre for Nuclear Research), Dr
Wojciech Kotlarski
08/09/2022, 12:55
We use the framework of asymptotically safe quantum gravity to derive predictions for New Physics (NP) models with an extra U(1)' symmetry as a solution to the b → s flavor anomalies. We study three different (but similar) models with vector-like (VL) fermions and a scalar whose vev breaks the U(1)' symmetry. The flavor-violating coupling of the new gauge boson Z' with the b and s quarks is...