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15–19 Feb 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

LHC measurements and additional information to use in global fits/EFT interpretations

16 Feb 2021, 16:00
virtual (online only) (CERN)

virtual (online only)



Andrew Gilbert (Northwestern University (US))


Precision measurements in Higgs/Top and other SM processes are extremely valuable for constraining physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model. Interpretations of these measurements in terms of Effective field theories are increasingly popular. In addition to the dedicate EFT measurements produced by ATLAS and CMS, precision measurements can be Re-interpreted under EFTs / fed into global-fits using additional information provided by the experiments. This talk will summarise the information provided by ATLAS and CMS to facilitate such studies and highlight the potential issues/limitations associated to such re-interpretations of precision measurements.

Primary author

Andrew Gilbert (Northwestern University (US))

Presentation materials