(Re)interpreting the results of new physics searches at the LHC
virtual (online only)
The LHC collaborations are pursuing searches for new physics in a vast variety of channels. While the collaborations typically provide themselves interpretations of their results, for instance in terms of simplified models, the full understanding of the implications of these searches requires the interpretation of the experimental results in the context of all kinds of theoretical models. This is a very active field, with close theory-experiment interaction and with several public tools being developed.
A Forum on the interpretation of the LHC results for BSM studies was thus initiated to discuss topics related to the BSM (re)interpretation of LHC data, including the development of the necessary public recasting tools and related infrastructure, and to and to provide a platform for a continued interaction between theorists and with the experiments.
This is the sixth workshop of this Forum and will be held purely online. Previous meetings took place
- workshop: 15-17 June 2016 (kick-off meeting) at CERN
- workshop: 12-14 Dec 2016 at CERN
- workshop: 16-18 Oct 2017 at Fermilab
- workshop: 14-16 May 2018 at CERN
- workshop: 2-4 April 2019 at Imperial College
They resulted in the 2020 report Reinterpretation of LHC Results for New Physics: Status and recommendations after Run 2, arXiv:2003.07868, SciPost Phys. 9, 022 (2020).
The aim of this sixth workshop is to review the further developments on the tools, pheno, and of course the experimental sides since the above report, and to prepare for Run 3 of the LHC. In this context, a certain focus will be on recent hot topics like applications of published full and simplified likelihoods, reinterpretations of ML-based analyses and long-lived particle searches, etc.
Moreover, we would like to extend the conversation to general best practices for reinterpretation/reuse of experimental results beyond the LHC, and particularly welcome contributions regarding results from precision or astrophysical experiments.
Aaron Paul O'Neill
Abdellah Tnourji
Abdulkadir Senol
Abhishek Roy
Adil Jueid
Adrian Rubio Jimenez
Adrian-Antonio Petre
Afsar Reja
Agata Trovato
Agnivo Sarkar
Ahmed Ismail
Albert De Roeck
Alessandra Cappati
Alessandro Biondini
Alexander Belyaev
Alexander Mann
Alexander Pukhov
Ali Mjallal
Ali Yilmaz
Alicia Wongel
Amartya Rej
Amin Abou Ibrahim
Anders Kvellestad
Andre Lessa
Andre Sznajder
Andrea Coccaro
Andrea Piccinelli
Andrew Fowlie
Andrew Gilbert
Angelos Tsiamis
Anisha .
Ankita Budhraja
Ankita Mehta
Antonio Giannini
Are Raklev
Arindam Das
Arpan Ghosal
Arran Freegard
Arthur Linss
Artur Il Darovic Gottmann
Ashraf Mohamed
Atanu Pathak
Avnish .
Baptiste Ravina
Barend Mons
Batool Safarzadeh Samani
Begona De La Cruz
Ben Nachman
Benjamin Fuks
Benyounes Bel Moussa
Bibhuti Parida
Binish Batool
Brunella D'Anzi
Carsten Hensel
Caterina Doglioni
Charanjit Kaur Khosa
Chariclia Petridou
Chayanit Asawatangtrakuldee
Christian Gutschow
Christina Dimitriadi
Christoph Borschensky
Christopher Chang
Christopher McCabe
claire Shepherd-Themistocleous
Clara Hormigos-Feliu
Clemens Lange
Costanza Carrivale
Cristiano Alpigiani
Cristiano Sebastiani
Danika MacDonell
Darren Price
Despoina Sampsonidou
Disha Bhatia
Dong Woo Kang
Duc Ninh LE
Edgar Fernando Carrera Jarrin
Edmund Ting
Edward Scott
EL Abassi Abderrazaq
Elena Villhauer
Eleonora Rossi
Eligio Lisi
Elise Maria Le Boulicaut
Elzbieta Richter-Was
Emanuele Angelo Bagnaschi
Emmanouil Vourliotis
Eric Ballabene
Eric Schanet
Ethan Lewis Simpson
Farida Fassi
Federico Leo Redi
Felix Reichenbach
Felix Yu
Garyfallia PASPALAKI
Gaël Alguero
Genevieve Belanger
Georg Weiglein
Giordon Holtsberg Stark
Giulio Usai
Gokhan Unel
Grégoire Uhlrich
Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto
Hajar Imam
Harrison Prosper
Hector De La Torre Perez
Heng Li
Henry Day-Hall
Huanfeng Cheng
Humberto Reyes-Gonzalez
Ilaria Brivio
Ioanna Papavergou
Ioannis Karkanias
Jack Araz
Jackson Burzynski
Jaco ter Hoeve
Jan Heisig
Jan Kalinowski
Jannik Geisen
Javier Mauricio Duarte
Jeanette Miriam Lorenz
Jeff Shahinian
Jelena Jovicevic
Jie Feng
Jihun Kim
Jin Choi
Joanna Huang
Joany Manjarres
Joao Almeida
Joey Huston
Jona Motta
Jonas Wittbrodt
Jonas Wurzinger
Jonathan Butterworth
Jonathon Langford
Jong Soo Kim
Jose Ruiz
José Francisco Zurita
Judita Mamuzic
Juhi Dutta
K.C. Kong
Karolos Potamianos
Karri Folan Di Petrillo
Katharine Leney
Katherine Pachal
keith baker
Ken Mimasu
Knut Morå
Kostas Kordas
Krystsina Petukhova
Kurt Brendlinger
Kyle Stuart Cranmer
Lakshmi Priya Nair
Laura Jeanty
Louie Dartmoor Corpe
Louis Portales
Luca Silvestrini
Mael Cavan
Maeve Madigan
Malak Ait Tamlihat
Mangesh Sonawane
Manimala Chakraborti
Manimala Mitra
Manuel Utsch
Marco Delmastro
Marco Peruzzi
Maren Bühring
Maria Moreno Llacer
Marie-Helene Genest
Mariia Savina
Mark Goodsell
Mark Neubauer
Martin Habedank
Marvin Flores
Massimiliano Galli
Matt LeBlanc
Matteo Maltoni
Matteo Presilla
Matthew Feickert
Matthew Knight
Meisam Ghasemi Bostanabad
Meng-Ju Tsai
Michael David Krohn
Moe Wakida
Monika Mittal
Mourad Hidaoui
Nahuel Ferreiro Iachellini
Nazila Mahmoudi
Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah
Nicholas Wardle
Nicolas Berger
Nicolas Tonon
Nils Gillwald
Nishita Desai
Noemi Cavalli
Oleksandr Burlayenko
Orhan Cakir
Ozer Ozdal
Pankaj Agrawal
Patricia Rebello Teles
Patrick Haworth Owen
Philipp Mogg
Philippe Gras
Pietro Govoni
Pim Jordi Verschuuren
Predrag Milenovic
Rachid Mazini
Rachik Soualah
Rahul Balasubramanian
Ram Krishna Sharma
Rashidul Islam
Roberto Salerno
Roger Wolf
Rojalin Padhan
Rosa María Sandá Seoane
Rosa Simoniello
Sabine Kraml
Saiyad Ashanujjaman
Samadrita Mukherjee
Sarah Louise Williams
Saranya Samik Ghosh
Sebastian Brommer
Seodong Shin
Sergio Sanchez Cruz
Sezen Sekmen
Shabeeb Alalawi
Shalini Epari
Shehu AbdusSalam
Shilpi Jain
Si Hyun Jeon
Siannah Penaranda-Rivas
Siddharth Prasad Maharathy
Simone Biondini
Sinclert Perez Castano
Siqi Yuan
Spyros Argyropoulos
Sreemanti Chakraborti
Stefano Moretti
Subhojit Roy
Suchita Kulkarni
Sudeshna Banerjee
Sudip Jana
Sukanya Sinha
Suman Chatterjee
Supratim Das Bakshi
Sushil Chauhan
Sven Heinemeyer
Tahir Javaid
Tak Shun Lau
Tania Robens
Tasnuva Chowdhury
Tatsuya Masubuchi
Tejas Satheesh
Tetiana Hryn'ova
Tevong You
Theodoros Chatzistavrou
Thomas Mclachlan
Tim Herrmann
Tim Jones
Tim Stefaniak
Tobias Hurth
Tongguang Cheng
Tracey Berry
Ulascan Sarica
Umberto Molinatti
Uta Klein
Vahid Esrafilian
Vasiliki Mitsou
Victor Martin Lozano
Vladimir Pastushenko
Vytautas Mickus
Víctor Bresó Pla
Waleed Abdallah
Wei Shi
Wolfgang Waltenberger
Yacine Haddad
Yotam Soreq
Youngwan Kim
Zeren Simon Wang
Zhi Zheng
Zubair Bhatti