Feb 15 – 19, 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

The LHC collaborations are pursuing searches for new physics in a vast variety of channels. While the collaborations typically provide themselves interpretations of their results, for instance in terms of simplified models, the full understanding of the implications of these searches requires the interpretation of the experimental results in the context of all kinds of theoretical models. This is a very active field, with close theory-experiment interaction and with several public tools being developed.

A Forum on the interpretation of the LHC results for BSM studies was thus initiated to discuss topics related to the BSM (re)interpretation of LHC data, including the development of the necessary public recasting tools and related infrastructure, and to and to provide a platform for a continued interaction between theorists and with the experiments.

This is the sixth workshop of this Forum and will be held purely online. Previous meetings took place

  1. workshop: 15-17 June 2016 (kick-off meeting) at CERN
  2. workshop: 12-14 Dec 2016 at CERN
  3. workshop: 16-18 Oct 2017 at Fermilab
  4. workshop: 14-16 May 2018 at CERN
  5. workshop: 2-4 April 2019 at Imperial College

They resulted in the 2020 report Reinterpretation of LHC Results for New Physics: Status and recommendations after Run 2, arXiv:2003.07868, SciPost Phys. 9, 022 (2020).

The aim of this sixth workshop is to review the further developments on the tools, pheno, and of course the experimental sides since the above report, and to prepare for Run 3 of the LHC. In this context, a certain focus will be on recent hot topics like applications of published full and simplified likelihoods, reinterpretations of ML-based analyses and long-lived particle searches, etc.

Moreover, we would like to extend the conversation to general best practices for reinterpretation/reuse of experimental results beyond the LHC, and particularly welcome contributions regarding results from precision or astrophysical experiments.

virtual (online only)