An introduction to the SModelS functionalities with a variety of hands-on examples and extensive Q&A.
SMEFTsim is a package containing model files for calculations in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. It can be interfaced to Mathematics via FeynRules and to Monte Carlo event generators.
This tutorial will present the main features of SMEFTsin and give a practical example of usage in Madgraph5.
This tutorial will guide you through some practical examples to learn how CheckMATE works. In addition to CheckMATE, we will also run some other tools that are useful for collider phenomenology.
A brief tutorial on recasting capabilities of MadAnalysis 5 with an extended Q&A session.
I will review the MadMiner tool, which implements approaches to approximate the fully differential likelihood (or likelihood ratio) including showering and detector effects with machine learning. The techniques are described in three publications “Constraining Effective Field Theories With Machine Learning”, “A Guide to Constraining Effective Field Theories With Machine Learning”, and “Mining...
The HistFactory p.d.f. template [CERN-OPEN-2012-016][1] is per-se independent of its implementation in ROOT and sometimes, it’s useful to be able to run statistical analysis outside of ROOT, RooFit, RooStats framework. This tutorial will introduce users (who are generally familiar with hypothesis testing) to the [pyhf
][2] python package. Examples using public [HEPData][3] material will be...
The possibility for a complete and unified Analysis Description Language (ADL) has recently been widely discussed in the HEP community. Such a language allows both quick analysis design and easy reinterpretation studies. A runtime interpreted version of the language, born from the unification of the early work, known as LHADA and CutLang, is presently available under the name CutLang V2.