Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Participant List

256 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Bzdak AGH Kraków
Adam Kisiel JINR/Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Adil Garibov National Nuclear Research Center, Azerbaijan
Aditya Prasad Dash Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Berhampur
Agnieszka Sorensen UCLA/LBNL
Ajit Kumar Variable Energy Cyclotron Center (VECC)
Alessandro De Falco Università/INFN Cagliari
Alexander Demanov NRNU MEPhI
Alexander Rothkopf University of Stavanger
Alexander Sorin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Alexandra Friesen Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Alexeii Kurepin Institute for Nuclear Research RAS
Alperen Yuncu Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)
Aminul Islam Chowdhury University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ana Marin GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)
Anar Rustamov GSI/NNRC
Anirban Lahiri Bielefeld University
Anna Schäfer Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
Anna Senger FAIR
Ante Bilandzic Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE)
Anton Motornenko Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Arghya Chatterjee Central China Normal University
Aritra De University of Minnesota, Twin-cities
Arkadiy Taranenko NRNU MEPhI
ASHISH PANDAV National institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, HBNI
Aydan Garibli NNRC Azerbaijan
Baochi Fu Peking University
Bedangadas Mohanty National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN)
Benjamin Dönigus Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Benjamin Kimelman University of California, Davis
Bernd-Jochen Schaefer JLU Giessen
Boris Tomasik Unverzita Mateja Bela
Brijesh Srivastava Purdue University
Chandrodoy Chattopadhyay The Ohio State University
Changfeng Li Shandong University
Charles Gale McGill University
Chihiro Sasaki University of Wroclaw
Christian Schmidt Bielefeld University
Christoph Blume Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Chuan Fu central china normal university
Chunjian Zhang stony brook university
Claudia Ratti University of Houston
Csaba Torok Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet-Mainz
Daicui Zhou Central China Normal University CCNU (CN)
Damian Pszczel National Centre for Nuclear Research; Uppsala University
Daniel Cebra University of California, Davis
Daniel Wielanek Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics
Daria Prokhorova St Petersburg State University (RU)
David Blaschke University of Wroclaw
Debasish Mallick NISER, Jatni, India
Deepak Kumar Physical Research Laboratory
Dekrayat Almaalol Kent State university
Dennis Bollweg Bielefeld University
Derek Teaney Stony Brook University
Diana Pawłowska Warsaw University of Technology
Dim Idrisov NRNU MEPhI
Ding Chen UC, Riverside
Dmytro Oliinychenko INT, UW
Dyana Duarte Seattle, WA
Fabian Rennecke Brookhaven National Laboratory
Federica Capellino Universität Heidelberg
Fei Gao Heidelberg University
Fotios Diakonos University of Athens
Friederike Ihssen Heidelberg University
Frithjof Karsch Bielefeld University
Geidar Agakishiev JINR
Gokce Basar UNC Chapel Hill
Golam Sarwar University of Calcutta, India
Grazyna Odyniec LBNL
Grzegorz Stefanek Jan Kochanowski University (PL)
Guannan Xie Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Gunel Shahverdiyeva NNRC AZERBAİJAN
Gupta Ramni University of Jammu
Guruprasad Kadam NISER Bubaneswar
György Wolf Wigner RCP
Hande Ozcelik Yildiz Technical University
Hanna Zbroszczyk Warsaw University of Technology
Hannah Elfner GSI/GU Frankfurt/FIAS
Helen Caines Yale University
Helmut Satz Universitaet Bielefeld
Heng-Tong Ding Central China Normal University
Hernandez Saúl INT, University of Washington
Ho-San Ko Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hu Chenlu Institute of Modern Physics, CAS
Huan Huang UCLA Physics and Astronomy
Hui Liu Central China Normal University
Huichao Song Peking U.
Igor Altsybeev St Petersburg State University (RU)
Ilya Segal National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU)
Ilya Selyuzhenkov GSI / MEPhI
Itzhak Tserruya Weizmann Institute of Science
Iurii Karpenko FNSPE CTU in Prague
Ivan Pidhurskyi Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)
Iwona Anna Sputowska Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Jacek Tomasz Otwinowski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Jamie Stafford University of Houston (US)
Jan Steinheimer Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Jan M. Pawlowski Heidelberg University
Janmammad Rustamov Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Jasmine Brewer CERN
Jia Chen Shandong University
Jiangyong Jia Stony Brook University (US)
Jin Wu Central China Normal University
Joachim Stroth Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, GSI
Joanna Maria Stepaniak National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL)
Joaquin Grefa University of Houston
Johanna Stachel Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)
Johannes Jahan Subatech (FR)
Jorgen Randrup LBNL
Juan Torres-Rincon Goethe University Frankfurt
Jurgen Schukraft NBI Copenhagen
Justyna Monika Cybowska Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Jędrzej Kołaś Warsaw Univesity of Technology
Kaiser Shafi IISER Berhampur
Katarzyna Grebieszkow Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Koichi Murase Peking University
Krzysztof Piasecki University of Warsaw
krzysztof Redlich University of Wroclaw
Kshitij Agarwal Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Larry Mclerran INT
Lijuan Ruan BNL
Lipei Du The Ohio State University
Ludwik Turko University of Wroclaw (PL)
Magdalena Kuich University of Warsaw (PL)
Maha Abdelhakim American University in Cairo
Mahammad Sabir Ali Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Malgorzata Gumberidze GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
Maneesha Pradeep University of Illinois at Chicago
Manuel Lorenz GU Frankfurt
Maowu Nie Shandong University (SDU)
Marek Gazdzicki Goethe University Frankfurt (DE) and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (PL)
Maria Stefaniak Warsaw University of Technology / Subatech
Mario Kruger Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)
Mark Gorenstein Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
Marlene Nahrgang Subatech
Masayuki Asakawa Osaka University
Matthew Heffernan McGill University
Matthias Kaminski University of Alabama
Maximilian Attems CERN
Mayank Singh University of Minnesota
Md Hasanujjaman Darjeeling Government College
Md Nasim IISER Berhampur
Mehul Shiroya University of Frankfurt / GSI
Melanie Szala Goethe University Frankfurt
Mesut Arslandok Yale University (US)
Michael Florian Wondrak Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and Helmholtz Research Academy Hesse for FAIR
Michal Szymanski University of Wroclaw
Michał Marczenko University of Wrocław
Mihai Petrovici Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)
Mikhail Kapishin JINR, Dubna
Mikhail Tokarev Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Ming Li North Carolina State University
Mingmei Xu CCNU
Mingyang Feng University of Science and Technology of China (CN)
Misha Stephanov UIC
Mugdha Sarkar Bielefeld University
Nadine Attieh Subatech
Namig Dzhalilov Shamachy Astrophysical Observatory ANAS Azerbaijan
Nathan Touroux Subatech
Nicolas Wink Heidelberg University
Nihar Sahoo Shandong University, Qingdao, China
Niklas Götz FIAS
Nikolaos Davis Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Ning Yu Xinyang Normal University
Niseem Abdelrahman University of Illinois at Chicago
Norbert Herrmann Univ. Heidelberg
Noriyuki Sogabe Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Olaf Kaczmarek University of Bielefeld
Oleh Savchuk Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Partha Pratim Bhaduri Department of Atomic Energy (IN)
Paula Hillmann Institut für theoretische Physik, Goethe Universität
Paweł Szymański Warsaw University of Technology
Pedro Ladron de Guevara Universidad Complutense de Madrid, IFUNAM (Mexico)
Peter Braun-Munzinger EMMI/GSI
Peter Parfenov NRNU MEPhI
Peter Senger Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH(FAIR)
Pok Man Lo University of Wroclaw
Prabhupada Dixit IISER, Berhampur
Prasad Hegde Indian Institute of Science
Pritam Chakraborty IITB- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IN)
Prottay Das National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN)
Raghunath Sahoo Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IN)
Rajeev Singh Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow Poland
Rajendra Nath Patra Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Rajiv V. Gavai IISER, Bhopal
Risa Nishitani University of Tsukuba
Robert Pisarski Brookhaven National Laboratory
Romain Holzmann GSI
Roman Poberezhnyuk Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
Sabiar Shaikh The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Salman Khurshid Malik University of Jammu (IN)
Sayak Chatterjee Bose Institute
Seweryn Kowalski University of Silesia (PL)
Shahid Khan University of Tuebingen
Shahriyar Jafarzade Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland
Shaifali Mehta Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Shamkhal Abbasov National Nuclear Research Center (AZ)
shanjin wu peking university
ShinIchi Esumi Univ. of Tsukuba, TCHoU
Shusu Shi Central China Normal University
Shuzhe SHI McGill University
Shyam Kumar Institute of Modern Physics
Somenath Pal University of Calcutta
Song Shu Hubei University
Sourav Mondal Indian Institute of Science
Sourendu Gupta TIFR, Mumbai
Stan Srednyak Duke University
Subhash Singha Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Subhasis Samanta Jan Kochanowski University (PL)
Swagato Mukherjee Brookhaven National Laboratory
Swati Saha National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN)
Szymon Harabasz TU Darmstadt / GSI
Szymon Pulawski University of Silesia (PL)
Taklit SAMI Subatech (Nantes)
Tapan Nayak CERN, Geneva and NISER, Bhubaneswar
Tetyana Galatyuk GSI/TU Darmstadt
Tobiasz Czopowicz Jan Kochanowski University, Warsaw University of Technology
Tom Reichert Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Tomek Matulewicz University of Warsaw (PL)
Toru Nishimura Osaka University
Toshihiro Nonaka University of Tsukuba
Towseef Ahmad Bhat University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
Tribhuban Parida IISER Berhampur
Udita Shukla University of Wroclaw/Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Valeriya Mykhaylova University of Wroclaw
Valery Pugatch Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA)
Victor Gonzalez Wayne State University (US)
Viktor Klochkov Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (DE)
Vinh Luong National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Vladimir Skokov NCSU
Volker Friese GSI Darmstadt
Volker Koch LBNL
Volodymyr Vovchenko Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Waseem Ahmad Bhat University of Kashmir(UOK)
Wei-jie Fu Dalian University of Technology
Wenbin Zhao Central China Normal University
Wilke Van Der Schee CERN
xg Li Hubei University
Xiaofeng Luo Central China Normal University
Xin An University of North Carolina
Xin Dong Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Xionghong He Institute of Modern physics
Yapeng Zhang Institute of modern physics, CAS
Yi Yin IMP
Yifei Zhang USTC
Yong-rui Chen Dalian University of Technology
Yuangfang Wu Central China Normal University
Yue Hang Leung Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Zhiming Li Central China Normal University
Zuzana Moravcova University of Copenhagen (DK)
1 more participant