The HB-2023 workshop will take place in person at CERN from October 9 to 13, 2023. It will continue the series of workshops started in 2002 at FNAL, and which rotates every two years between America, Europe and Asia. The last edition was also organised by FNAL but virtually and in 2021, instead of 2020, due to the COVID pandemic. As in the last editions, there will be five working groups:
- Beam Dynamics in Rings
- Beam Dynamics in Linacs
- Accelerators Systems
- Operations and Commissioning
- Beam Instrumentation and intercepting Devices
This will be an exellent opportunity to showcase the high brightness beams at CERN following a recent significant upgrade of our injector complex (within the LHC injectors Upgrade project between 01/12/2010 and 30/06/2021), and to welcome all the community working with such beams to present the latest results from this important field.
We look forward to welcoming all of you at CERN!