The workshop proceedings will be published as JACoW proceedings as for the previous workshops of this series.
Workshop contributions should be formatted according to the standards of JACoW proceedings (see here for guidelines and templates). Papers not complying with the JACoW guidelines and templates will be rejected.
The page limits are as follows (references are not included in the page limit):
- Posters: 3 pages;
- Contributed orals: 4 pages;
- Invited orals: 6 pages.
The deadline for submitting a contribution to the workshop proceedings is 1st of October 2023. The contributions must be uploaded to the same SPMS website as the abstracts. Please also see the prerequisites below for uploading proceedings to the SPMS website.
Please, note that slides (for invited oral, contributed orals, and flash presentations) should also be uploaded to SPMS (always upload the source file of the presentation). For the case of the poster contributions, also the source file of the poster should be uploaded.