Information about conference fees:
Early regular fees (until 15th August): 500 CHF
Late regular fees: (until 15th September): 600 CHF
Students' fees (until 15th September): 400 CHF
Registration fees cover:
Attendance to the entire conference
Coffee breaks
Welcome cocktail on Monday, 9 October at CERN
Cocktail and banquet on Thursday, 12 October at Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (BFM), Geneva
Payment can be made by:
Bank transfer
The bank transfer is at the participant's charge.
The following reference has imperatively to be mentioned in the wire:
HB2023 and/or 63580
Bank: Account number: IBAN: SWIFT: Beneficiary: Account holder: | UBS SA 0240-FP100541.3 CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3 UBSWCHZH80A UBS SA - GENEVE CERN - CONFERENCES |
Credit card
Participants will be charged with card fees upon payment (2.5 % with visa and MasterCard). These costs will be added to the registration fees.
Please choose "credit card" when you fill in your registration form.
Please mention HB2023 and/or 63580 and your name as reference payment.
Invoice (only with bank transfer) can be requested to before the payment.
Please note that NO CASH payment will be accepted on-site.
No reimbursement of registration fees after 15th September 2023.
Cancellation of participation
Reimbursement of registration fees, bank fees are at the cost of the beneficiary.