In addition to the JACoW proceedings, it is offered the option to publish extended versions of the workshop contributions, to avoid infringing any copyright rules of the JACoW proceedings, in a special issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST).
The articles will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as standard JINST papers. The submission of contributions for this special issue will be managed directly via the JINST website.
The deadline for JINST contributions will be 31st December 2023.
The deadline for JINST contributions has been extended to 18th February 2024.
Please, find following some instructions on paper preparation from the JINST Editorial Office
Dear Author,
Should you accept to submit an extended version of your JACoW paper to "HB2023" JINST Special Issue, please follow the instructions below.
Manuscripts should be preferably prepared in LaTeX in one of the following ways:
• using the template available on Overleaf
• using the package jinstpub.sty
When writing your contribution, in addition to the scientific quality and relevance of the subject matter, it is advisable also to check the quality of formatting, language and style (i.e. incoherent use of unit of measure; different conventions used in the same paper such as abbreviations \3 s", \3 sec", \3 seconds" and position: \3C", \3 C"; poorly organized tables; etc.)
To comply with copyright requirement and granted that the contributions to the HB2023 Special Issue in JINST are extended version of the previously published proceedings, each author will need to provide (on the submitted pdf) an attribution to his/her earlier article and specify that the it was published under the CC BY 3.0 licence.
When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:
1) connect to http://jinst.sissa.it register (if needed) and login;
2) in the “Submit” section of the JINST home page click on “submit an article for a special issue”;
3) select "HB2023" from the list;
4) click on “submit a paper” or “submit a technical report” at the bottom of the "HB2023" Special Issue box;
For your information and guidance please note that in JINST technical reports differ from regular papers only in regards to their scientific content: technical reports describe innovative technical achievements of interest to the community, while papers must accomplish scientific quality, originality and relevance.
However, papers and technical reports in JINST are published in the same volumes, share the same impact factor rate given to the Journal and differ only by their article ID (as an example please see:
5) Follow the step-by-step procedure for submission. In case of need, please click on the "HELP" link available at the top of the submission pages
6) Please inform the JINST Editorial Office if the bibliography contains crossed-references to other contributions to the same Special Issue.
7) For your information JINST operates a hybrid open access policy and individual authors may choose how to publish their articles, either on a subscription basis (at no cost for the authors) or on a Gold Open Access basis.
Authors can opt to have their articles published Open Access and the publication fee will be paid by the authors or, if the article is eligible for Open Access - Transformative Agreement, certain institutions, funders and consortia will manage the cost of article publication charges.
For the JINST articles complete accessibility options please refer to:
In case of doubts, it is advisable to check with your institution (normally library) about your internal policy and also you can always refer to the JINST Editorial Office.
For any further information and assistance, do not hesitate to contact the JINST Editorial Office (