Mar 26 – 29, 2018
University of Oxford, JAI
Europe/London timezone

Following the ANAR 2017 workshop,  a study group towards advanced linear colliders, named ALEGRO for Advanced LinEar collider study GROup, has been set up to co-ordinate the preparation of a proposal for an Advanced Linear Collider in the multi-TeV energy range.

The objective of this first ALEGRO workshop is to prepare and deliver, by the end of 2018, a document detailing the international roadmap and strategy of advanced novel accelerators (ANAs) with clear priorities as input for the European Strategy Group, as well as input to ICFA

The meeting is organised jointly with European Network for Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAC)



University of Oxford, JAI
Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK