Mar 26 – 29, 2018
University of Oxford, JAI
Europe/London timezone

Working groups

• The working group structure and their coordinators are:

• Physics Case (PC); WG1 coordinators: Michael Peskin (SLAC), Junping Tian (U. Tokyo), TBD ()

• Collider machine design/definitions (CMD) ; WG2 coordinators: Daniel Schulte (CERN),  Andrei Seryi (JAI), Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku Uni)

• Theory, Modelling, Simulations (TMS); WG3 coordinators: Jean-Luc Vay (LBNL), Jorge Vieira (IST), Henri Vincenti (CEA)

• LWFA; WG4 coordinators: Carl Schroeder (LBNL), Simon Hooker (JAI/Oxford), Brigitte Cros (CNRS/Univ Paris Sud)

• PWFA; WG5 coordinators: Jens Osterhoff (DESY), Edda Gschwendtner (CERN), Patric Muggli (MPP)

• SWFA; WG6 coordinators: Philippe Piot (NIU), John Power (ANL)

• DLA; WG7 coordinators: Joel England (SLAC), Ben Cowan (Tech-X)

• Joint sub-WG on positron acceleration (PAC); WG8 coordinators: Sebastien Corde (LOA), Spencer Gessner (CERN)


• Charge to the working groups:

• Identify  physics programme 

• Identify scientific objectives and challenges of advanced accelerators

• Identify an Advanced Accelerator Project (medium/long term)

 • Identify  required high priority R&D, with possibly the construction of a test facility

• Identify partners and cost of R&D


• Detailed charge:

• Identify parameters/elements necessary for the scheme

• Determine to what extend they have been proved and demonstrated

• Evaluate likelihood and timescales for testing/proving solutions

• Identify key experiments to be performed

• Identify existing or new facilities to perform key experiments

• Identify realistic time scales

• Identify panorama, what is in the making?