• Overview:
• Monday 26th, 9:00-12:00: Opening of the workshop, introduction, goals of the workshop, physics case and motivation for HEP, definition of parameters for e+e-, including exploratory sets of parameters taking advantage of the ANA specific properties; coordination with EuroNNAC activity.
• Monday 13:00-18:00: Organization of the parallel working groups; status of each WG since ANAR2017 and goals of each WG; working groups parallel sessions
• Tuesday 27th: Working groups parallel sessions for the whole day
• Wednesday 28th: Start with 60' plenary session with brief summary of each WG previous session and plans for discussion; Working groups parallel sessions for the rest of the day
• Wednesday late afternoon: Summaries of WG; Discuss links between ANAs and colliders
• Thursday 29th 09:00-12:30: Plenary; Discussion of the outputs of the workshop; Preparation of documents: discussion of the contents and contribution process;
Timeline for preparation: preliminary draft should be ready in spring 2018, to be reviewed and finalized/possibly approved in August (at a one day meeting just before the AAC2018).