27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

G-PBox: a Policy Framework for Grid Environments

29 Sept 2004, 17:50
Brunig 3 (Interlaken, Switzerland)

Brunig 3

Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 4 - Distributed Computing Services Grid Security


A key feature of Grid systems is the sharing of its resources among multiple Virtual Organizations (VOs). The sharing process needs a policy framework to manage the resource access and usage. Generally Policy frameworks exist for farms or local systems only, but now, for Grid environments, a general, and distributed policy system is necessary. Generally VOs and local systems have contracts that regulate the resource usage, hence complex relationships among these entities implying different kind of policies may exist: VOs oriented, local systems oriented, and a mix of these ones.We propose an approach to the representation, and management of such policies: the Grid Policy Box (G-PBox) framework. The approach is based on a set of databases belonging hierarchically-organised levels distributed onto the Grid and VOs structures. Each level contains only policies regarding itself. These levels have to communicate among themselves to accomodate for mixed policies, originating the need for a secure communication service framework, - for privacy reasons,- with the ability to sort and dispatch various kind of policies to the involved parties. In this paper we present our first implementation of the G-PBox, and its architecture details, and we discuss the plans for G-PBox-related application and research.


A. Caltroni (INFN PD) A. Ferraro (INFN CNAF) A. Ghiselli (INFN-CNAF) G. Rubini (INFN CNAF) R. Zappi (INFN CNAF) V. Ciaschini (INFN CNAF)

Presentation materials