P. Calafiura
Athena is the Atlas Control Framework, based on the common Gaudi architecture,
originally developed by LHCb. In 2004 two major production efforts, the Data
Challenge 2 and the Combined Test-beam reconstruction and analysis were structured as
Athena applications. To support the production work we have added new features to
both Athena and Gaudi: an "Interval of Validity" service to manage time-varying
conditions and detector data; a History service, to manage the provenance information
of each event data object; and a toolkit to simulate and analyze the overlay of
multiple collisions during the detector sensitive time (pile-up). To support the
analysis of simulated and test-beam data in athena we have introduced a python-based
scripting interface, based on the CERN LCG tools PyLCGDict, PyRoot and PyBus. The
scripting interface allows to fully configure any athena component, interactively
browse and modify this configuration, as well as examine the content of any data
object in the event or detector store.