27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Computing for Belle

27 Sept 2004, 11:00
Kongress-Saal (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Plenary Sessions Plenary




The Belle experiment operates at the KEKB accelerator, a high luminosity asymmetric energy e+ e- machine. KEKB has achieved the world highest luminosity of 1.39 times 10^34 cm-2s-1. Belle accumulates more than 1 million B Bbar pairs in one good day. This corresponds to about 1.2 TB of raw data per day. The amount of the raw and processed data accumulated so far exceeds 1.4 PB. Belle's computing model has been a traditional one and very successful so far. The computing has been managed by minimal number of people using cost effective solutions. Looking at the future, KEKB/Belle plans to improve the luminosity to a few times 10^35 cm- 2s-1, 10 times as much as we obtain now. This presentation describes Belle's efficient computing operations, struggles to manage large amount of raw and physics data, and plans for Belle computing for Super KEKB/Belle.


Presentation materials