DIRAC is the LHCb distributed computing grid infrastructure for MC
production and analysis. Its architecture is based on a set of distributed
collaborating services. The service decomposition broadly follows the ARDA
project proposal, allowing for the possibility of interchanging the EGEE/ARDA
and DIRAC components in the future. Some components developed outside the
DIRAC project are already in use as services, for example the File Catalog
developed by the AliEn project.
An overview of the DIRAC architecture will be given, in particular the
recent developments to support user analysis. The main design choices will
be presented. One of the main design goals of DIRAC is the simplicity
of installation, configuring and operation of various services. This allows
all the DIRAC resources to be easily managed by a single Production Manager.
The modular design of the DIRAC components allows its functionality to be
easily extended to include new computing and storage elements or to
handle new tasks. The DIRAC system already uses different types of computing
resources - from single PC's to a variety of batch system to the Grid
environment. In particular, the use of the LCG2 environment will be
presented. Different ways to utilise LCG2 resources will be examined as well
as the issue of interoperability between the LCG2 and DIRAC sites.
A. Pickford
(University of Glasgow)
A. Soroko
G. Kuznetsov
(Rutherford Appleton Lab, Chilton)
G.N. Patrick
(Rutherford Appleton Lab, Chilton)
I. Korolko
(ITEP, Moscow)
I. Stokes-Rees
(Particle Physics, Oxford; CPPM, Marseille)
J. Blouw
(GRIDKA, Karlsruhe)
J. Closier
J. Saborido-Silva
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
M. Frank
M. Gandelman
(University of Rio de Janeiro)
M. Sanchez-Garcia
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
M. Tobin
(University of Liverpool)
M. Witek
(University of Cracow)
N. Brook
(H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol)
P. Charpentier
R. Bernet
(University of Zurich)
R. Graciani-Diaz
(University of Barcelona)
U. Egede
(Imperial College, London)
V. Romanovski
(IHEP, Protvino)
V. Vagnoni
(INFN, Bologna)