A. Pfeiffer
In the context of the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project, the Applications Area
develops and maintains that part of the physics applications software and
associated infrastructure that is shared among the LHC experiments.
The Physicist Interface (PI) project of the LCG Application Area encompasses
the interfaces and tools by which physicists will directly use the software.
In collaboration with users from the experiments, work has concentrated on
the Analysis Services subsystem, where implementations of the AIDA interfaces
for (binned and unbinned) histogramming, fitting and minimization as well as
manipulation of tuples have been developed and adapted. In addition, bindings
of these interfaces to the Python interpreted language have been done using
the dictionary subsystem of the SEAL project.
The actual status and the future planning of the project will be presented.
A. Pfeiffer
H.C. Lee
(Academica Sinica, Taipei)
L. Moneta
V. Innocente
W. Ueng
(Academica Sinica, Taipei)