A version of the Bertini cascade model for hadronic interactions is part of
the Geant4 toolkit, and may be used to simulate pion-, proton-, and
neutron-induced reactions in nuclei. It is typically valid for incident
energies of 10 GeV and below, making it especially useful for the simulation of
hadronic calorimeters. In order to generate the intra-nuclear cascade, the
code depends on tabulations of exclusive channel cross section data,
parameterized angular distributions and phase-space generation of
multi-particle final states. To provide a more detailed treatment of hadronic
calorimetry, and kaon interactions in general, this model is being extended to
include incident kaons up to an energy of 15 GeV. Exclusive channel cross
sections, up to and including six-body final states, will be included for K+,
K-, K0, K0bar, lambda, sigma+, sigma0, sigma-, xi0 and xi-. K+nucleon and
K-nucleon cross sections are taken from various cross section catalogs, while
most of the cross sections for incident K0, K0bar and hyperons are estimated
from isospin and strangeness considerations. Because there is little data for
incident hyperon cross sections, use of the extended model will be restricted
to incident K+, K-, K0S and K0L. Hyperon cross sections are included only to
handle the secondary interactions of hyperons created in the intra-nuclear
A. Heikkinen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
D. Wright