27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

SRB system at Belle/KEK

29 Sept 2004, 17:30
Harder (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 6 - Computer Fabrics Computer Fabrics




The Belle experiment has accumulated an integrated luminosity of more than 240fb-1 so far, and a daily logged luminosity now exceeds 800pb-1. These numbers correspond to more than 1PB of raw and processed data stored on tape and an accumulation of the raw data at the rate of 1TB/day. The processed, compactified data, together with Monte Carlo simulation data for the final physics analyses amounts to more than 100TB. The Belle collaboration consists of more than 55 institutes in 14 countries and at most of the collaborating institutions, active physics data analysis programs are being undertaken. To meet these storage and data distribution demands, we have tried to adopt a resource broker, SRB. We have installed the SRB system at KEK, Australia, and other collaborating institutions and have started to share data. In this talk, experiences with the SRB system will be discussed and the performance of the system when used for data processing and physics analysis of the Belle experiment will be demonstrated.


A Manabe (KEK) H Kuraishi (Fujitsu) I. Adachi (HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION) K Ishikawa (ISE, Chiba) M. Mei (IHEP, Beijing) N. Katayama (KEK) S Honma (Fujitsu) S Kawabata (KEK) S Yashiro (KEK) S. Suzuki (KEK) T Nakajima (Fujitsu) T. Sasaki (HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION) Y Watase (KEK) Y. Iida (HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION)

Presentation materials