J. Hrivnac
There are two kinds of analysis objects with respect to their
persistent requirements:
* Objects, which need direct access to the persistency service only
for their IO operations (read/write/update/...): histograms, clouds,
profiles, ...
All Persistency requirements for those objects can be implemented
by standard Transient-Persistent Separation techniques like JDO,
* Objects, which need direct access to the persistency service for
some of their standard operations: NTuples, Tags,.... It is not
feasible to completely separate Transient and Persistent form of those
objects. Their Persistency should be tightly interfaced with their
transient form. One possibility is to directly implement a persistent
extension of those objects for each persistency mechanism.
The SQLTuple has been developed to deliver efficient SQL persistency
for AIDA standard NTuple objects. The implementation is based on
FreeHEP AIDA implementation and is completely inter-operable with
other FreeHEP components as well as with other AIDA implementations.
SQLTuple dependency on SQL database implementation is handled at
run-time by textual configuration. In principle all mainstream SQL
databases are supported. The default mapping layer can be
customized so that, for example, LCG Pool Tag databases can be
transparently supported. This customization is used to implement
higher level management utilities for Pool Tag databases - package
ColMan. ColMan utilities are accessible also from the C++ environment
and via standard Web Service.
The representation will cover both SQLTuple and ColMan packages and
their inter-operability with other tools. Performance assessment of
various available technologies will be covered as well.
J. Hrivnac