D. Malon
As ATLAS begins validation of its computing model in 2004, requirements
imposed upon ATLAS data management software move well beyond simple persistence,
and beyond the "read a file, write a file" operational model that has sufficed for
most simulation production. New functionality is required to support the
ATLAS Tier 0 model, and to support deployment in a globally distributed environment
in which the preponderance of computing resources--not only CPU cycles but
data services as well--reside outside the host laboratory.
This paper takes an architectural perspective in describing new developments in ATLAS
data management software, including the ATLAS event-level metadata system and related
infrastructure, and the mediation services that allow one to distinguish writing from
registration and selection from retrieval, in a manner that is consistent both for
event data and for time-varying conditions. The ever-broader role of databases and
catalogs, and issues relatedto the distributed deployment thereof, are also
A. Schaffer
(LAL Orsay)
D. Malon