T.M. Steinbeck
27/09/2004, 14:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The Alice High Level Trigger (HLT) is foreseen to consist of a
cluster of 400 to 500 dual SMP PCs at the start-up of the
experiment. It's input data rate can be up to 25GB/s. This has to be
reduced to at most 1.2 GB/s before the data is sent to DAQ through
event selection, filtering, and data compression. For these
processing purposes, the data is passed through the cluster in...
M. Sutton
27/09/2004, 14:20
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The architecture and performance of the ZEUS Global Track Trigger
(GTT) are described. Data from the ZEUS silicon Micro Vertex
detector's HELIX readout chips, corresponding to 200k channels, are
digitized by 3 crates of ADCs and PowerPC VME board computers push
cluster data for second level trigger processing and strip data for
event building via Fast and GigaEthernet network...
A. Di Mattia
27/09/2004, 14:40
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The Atlas Level-2 trigger provides a software-based event selection
after the initial Level-1 hardware trigger. For the muon events, the
selection is decomposed in a number of broad steps: first, the Muon
Spectrometer data are processed to give physics quantities
associated to the muon track (standalone features extraction) then,
other detector data are used to refine the extracted...
M. Ye
27/09/2004, 15:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
This article introduces a Embedded Linux System based on vme series
PowerPC as well as the base method on how to establish the system.
The goal of the system is to build a test system of VMEbus device.
It also can be used to setup the data acquisition and control
system. Two types of compiler are provided by the developer system
according to the features of the system and the...
27/09/2004, 15:20
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
BES is an experiment on Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC).
BES computing environment consists of PC/Linux cluster and mainly relies on the free
software. OpenPBS and Ganglia are used as job schedule and monitor system. With
helps from CERN IT Division, CASTOR was implemented as storage management system.
BEPC is being upgraded and luminosity will increase one hundred times...
H-J. Mathes
27/09/2004, 15:40
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
S.Argiro`(1), A. Kopmann (2), O.Martineau (2), H.-J. Mathes (2)
for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
(1) INFN, Sezione Torino
(2) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
The Pierre Auger Observatory currently under construction in Argentina will
investigate extensive air showers at energies above 10^18 eV. It
consists of a ground array of 1600 Cherenkov water detectors and 24
I. Sourikova
27/09/2004, 16:30
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
To benefit from substantial advancements in Open Source database
technology and ease deployment and development concerns with
Objectivity/DB, the Phenix experiment at RHIC is migrating its principal
databases from Objectivity to a relational database management system
(RDBMS). The challenge of designing a relational DB schema to store a
wide variety of calibration classes was
D. Winter
27/09/2004, 16:50
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The PHENIX detector consists of 14 detector subsystems. It is designed such
that individual subsystems can be read out independently in parallel as well
as a single unit. The DAQ used to read the detector is a highly-pipelined
parallel system. Because PHENIX is interested in rare physics events, the DAQ
is required to have a fast trigger, deep buffering, and very high bandwidth.
D Chapin
(Brown University)
27/09/2004, 17:10
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The DZERO Level 3 Trigger and Data Aquisition (L3DAQ) system has been
running continuously since Spring 2002. DZERO is loacated at one of the
two interaction points in the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The L3DAQ
moves front-end readout data from VME crates to a trigger processor
farm. It is built upon a Cisco 6509 Ethernet switch, standard PCs, and
commodity VME single board computers. We...
27/09/2004, 17:30
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The talk presents the experience gathered during the testbed
administration (~100 PC and 15+ switches) for the ATLAS Experiment at
It covers the techniques used to resolve the HW/SW conflicts, network
related problems, automatic installation and configuration of the
cluster nodes as well as system/service monitoring in the heterogeneous
dynamically changing...
M. Dobson
27/09/2004, 17:50
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The ATLAS collaboration had a Combined Beam Test from May until
October 2004. Collection and analysis of data required integration
of several software systems that are developed as prototypes for
the ATLAS experiment, due to start in 2007. Eleven different detector
technologies were integrated with the Data Acquisition system and were
taking data synchronously. The DAQ was integrated...
G. unel
27/09/2004, 18:10
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The ATLAS Trigger and DAQ system is designed to use the Region of
Interest (RoI)mechanism to reduce the initial Level 1 trigger rate of
100 kHz down to about 3.3 kHz Event Building rate.
The DataFlow component of the ATLAS TDAQ system is responsible
for the reading of the detector specific electronics via 1600 point
to point readout links, the collection and provision of RoI to the...
R. Itoh
29/09/2004, 14:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
A sizeable increase in the machine luminosity of KEKB accelerator is expected in
coming years. This may result in a shortage in the data storage resource for the Belle
experiment in the near future and it is desired to reduce the data flow as much as
possible before writing the data to the storage device.
For this purpose, a realtime event reconstruction farm has been installed in...
M. Richter
(Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Norway)
29/09/2004, 14:20
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The ALICE experiment at LHC will implement a High Level Trigger
System, where the information from all major detectors are combined,
including the TPC, TRD, DIMUON, ITS etc. The largest computing
challenge is imposed by the TPC, requiring realtime pattern
recognition. The main task is to reconstruct the tracks in the TPC,
and in a final stage combine the tracking information from all...
P. Sheldon
29/09/2004, 14:40
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The BTeV experiment, a proton/antiproton collider experiment at the Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, will have a trigger that will perform complex computations
(to reconstruct vertices, for example) on every collision (as opposed to the more
traditional approach of employing a first level hardware based trigger). This
trigger requires large-scale fault adaptive embedded software: ...
R. Panse
29/09/2004, 15:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
Super-computers will be replaced more and more by PC cluster
systems. Also future LHC experiments will use large PC clusters.
These clusters will consist of off-the-shelf PCs, which in general
are not built to run in a PC farm. Configuring, monitoring and
controlling such clusters requires a serious amount of time
consuming and administrative effort.
We propose a cheap and easy...
A. Campbell
29/09/2004, 15:20
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
We present the scheme in use for online high level
filtering, event reconstruction and classification
in the H1 experiment at HERA since 2001.
The Data Flow framework ( presented at CHEP2001 ) will
be reviewed. This is based on CORBA for all data transfer,
multi-threaded C++ code to handle the data flow and
synchronisation and fortran code for reconstruction and
event selection. A...
T. Shears
(University of Liverpool)
29/09/2004, 15:40
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The Level 1 and High Level triggers for the LHCb experiment are
software triggers which will be implemented on a farm of about 1800
CPUs, connected to the detector read-out system by a large Gigabit
Ethernet LAN with a capacity of 8 Gigabyte/s and some 500 Gigabit
Ethernet links. The architecture of the readout network must be
designed to maximise data throughput, control data flow,...
V. Gyurjyan
(Jefferson Lab)
29/09/2004, 16:30
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
A general overview of the Jefferson Lab data acquisition run control system is presented.
This run control system is designed to operate the configuration, control, and
monitoring of all Jefferson Lab experiments. It controls data-taking activities by
coordinating the operation of DAQ sub-systems, online software components and
third-party software such as external slow control...
F. Carena
29/09/2004, 16:50
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The Experiment Control System (ECS) is the top level of control of the ALICE
Running an experiment implies performing a set of activities on the online systems
that control the operation of the detectors. In ALICE, online systems are the
Trigger, the Detector Control Systems (DCS), the Data-Acquisition System (DAQ) and
the High-Level Trigger (HLT).
The ECS provides a...
D. Liko
29/09/2004, 17:10
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The unprecedented size and complexity of the ATLAS TDAQ system
requires a comprehensive and flexible control system. Its role
ranges from the so-called run-control, e.g. starting and stopping
the datataking, to error handling and fault tolerance. It also
includes intialisation and verification of the overall system.
Following the traditional approach a hierachical system of...
G. Watts
29/09/2004, 17:30
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The DZERO Collider Expermient logs many of its Data Aquisition Monitoring
Information in long term storage. This information is most frequently used to
understand shift history and efficiency. Approximately two kilobytes of information
is stored every 15 second. We describe this system and the web interface provided.
The current system is distributed, running on Linux for the back end...
L. Abadie
29/09/2004, 17:50
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The aim of the LHCb configuration database is to store all the
controllable devices of the detector. The experimentโs control system
(that uses PVSS) will configure, start up and monitor the detector
from the information in the configuration database. The database will
contain devices with their properties, connectivity and hierarchy. The
ability to rapidly store and retrieve huge amounts...
T.M. Steinbeck
29/09/2004, 18:10
Track 1 - Online Computing
oral presentation
The Alice High Level Trigger (HLT) cluster is foreseen to consist of
400 to 500 dual SMP PCs at the start-up of the experiment. The
software running on these PCs will consist of components
communicating via a defined interface, allowing flexible software
configurations. During Alice's operation the HLT has to be
continuously active to avoid detector dead time. To ensure that the...